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Dong Liu


Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Business Address:Room A536, No. 1 Building, Gaoxin Campus of USTC


Alma Mater:University of Science and Technology of China

Discipline:Information and Communication Engineering


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Dong Liu received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China, in 2004 and 2009, respectively. He was a Member of Research Staff with Nokia Research Center, Beijing, China, from 2009 to 2012. He joined USTC as a faculty member in 2012 and became a Professor in 2020.
His research interests include image and video processing, coding, analysis, and data mining. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 papers in international journals and conferences, which were cited more than 16000 times according to [Google Scholar] (h-index is 50). He has more than 30 granted patents. He has several technique proposals adopted by standardization groups. He received 2009 IEEE TCSVT Best Paper Award, VCIP 2016 Best 10% Paper Award, and ISCAS 2022 Grand Challenge Top Creativity Paper Award. He and his students were winners of several technical challenges held in ISCAS 2023, ICCV 2019, ACM MM 2019, ACM MM 2018, ECCV 2018, CVPR 2018, and ICME 2016.
He is a Senior Member of IEEE, CCF, and CSIG, an elected member of MSA-TC of IEEE CAS Society, and an elected member of Multimedia TC of CSIG. He serves or had served as the Chair of IEEE 1857.11 Standard Working Subgroup (also known as Future Video Coding Study Group), an Associate Editor for IEEE TIP, a Guest Editor for IEEE TCSVT, an Organizing Committee Member for VCIP 2022, ChinaMM 2022, ICME 2021, etc.

For your information

  • Wanting to join my group to pursue Master or Ph.D. degree? Please refer to [this letter].

  • Requesting a recommendation letter or a reference from me? Please be sure that you have worked in my lab for at least three months. If you do not meet the condition, please pardon me for no response due to my limited bandwidth.

  • Considering working as a postdoc researcher or a short-term research intern? Please email me directly.

  • Have interest to build collaborations? Please email me directly.


  • Jul 4, 2024: Two papers are accepted to ECCV 2024.

  • Jun 30, 2024: One paper is accepted to TBC.

  • Jun 29, 2024: One paper is accepted to JVCIR.

  • Jun 19, 2024: Congratulations to Jialun Peng, Rui Li, and Kaidong Zhang for the Ph.D. degree, and to Ziyi Zhuang and Lvning Liu for the master degree!

  • Jun 7, 2024: Two papers are accepted to ICIP 2024.

  • May 14, 2024: One paper is accepted to TMM.

  • Apr 22, 2024: One paper is accepted to TIP.

  • Mar 8, 2024: One paper is accepted to ACM Computing Surveys.

  • Feb 25, 2024: One paper is accepted to TOMM.

  • Feb 5, 2024: Two papers are accepted to PCS 2024.

Educational Experience

  • 2000.9 -- 2004.6

    University of Science and Technology of China       Electronic Science and Technology       Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)       Bachelor's Degree

  • 2004.9 -- 2009.6

    University of Science and Technology of China       Electrical Circuit and System       Postgraduate (Doctoral)       Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Work Experience

  • 2009.7 -- 2012.8

    Nokia (China) Investment Co.      Nokia Research Center, Beijing      Member of Research Staff

  • 2012.12 -- Now

    University of Science and Technology of China      Dept. EEIS, School of Information Science and Technology      Associate Professor, Professor

Other Contact Information:

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Research Group

Name of Research Group:Intelligent Visual Data Coding

Description of Research Group:Please visit: https://ustc-ivclab.github.io/

Name of Research Group:Visual Information Discovery and Recovery

Description of Research Group:Please visit: https://vidar-ustc.github.io/