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方芳博士的研究成果获得了国际学术界的广泛关注,在重要国际学术期刊发表论文14篇,累计影响因子超过120,累计他引次数超过2000次。近年来,以通讯作者及第一作者(包含共同第一作者)在Nature Cell Biology及Nature Communications等高影响力的期刊上发表论文。
- 3. Xia N#*, Fang F#, Zhang P#, Cui J, Tep-Cullison C, Hamerley T, Lee HJ, Palmer T, Bothner B, Lee HJ, Reijo Pera RA. A Knock-In Reporter allows purification and characterization of mDA neurons from heterogeneous populations. Cell Reports. 18(10): 2533-2546 (2017)..2021,
- 2. Fang F#*, Xia N#, Angulo B, Carey J, Durruthy-Durruthy J, Sebastiano V, Bennett T, Reijo Pera RA. A distinct isoform of ZNF207 controls self-renewal and pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells in conjunction with master transcription factors. Nature Communications 9,4384(2018)..2021,
- 1. Fang F#, Angulo B, Xia N, Sukhwani M, Wang Z, Carey CC, Mazurie A, Cui J, Wilkinson R, Wiedenheft B, Surani AM, Orwig KE, Reijo Pera RA. A PAX5-OCT4-PRDM1 developmental switch specifies human primordial germ cells. Nature Cell Biology 20,655-665 (2018)..2021,
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