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1.Zhou, R, Guo, Z, Watson, C, Chen, E, Kong, R, Wang, W and Yao, X. Polarized distribution of IQGAP proteins in gastric parietal cells and their roles in regulated epithelial cell secretion. Molecular Biology of Cell 2003,14: 1097-108 (coauthor)
Release time:2021-07-11  Hits:
Translation or Not: no
Date of Publication: 2021-09-03
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2.Wang, H, Zhen, G, Wu, F, Long, F., Cao, X, Liu, B, Zhu, Z, and Yao, X. PKA-mediated protein phosphorylation protects Ezrin from Calpain I cleavage. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communication; 2005,333: 496-501 (coauthor)
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pH-Responsive Iron Manganese Silicate Nanoparticles as T-1-T-2* Dual-Modal Imaging Probes for Tumor Diagnosis