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·Paper Publications
2.Wang, H, Zhen, G, Wu, F, Long, F., Cao, X, Liu, B, Zhu, Z, and Yao, X. PKA-mediated protein phosphorylation protects Ezrin from Calpain I cleavage. Biochemical Biophysical Research Communication; 2005,333: 496-501 (coauthor)
Release time:2021-07-11  Hits:
Translation or Not: no
Date of Publication: 2021-09-03
Pre One::
3.Wang S, Guo Z, Xia P, Liu T, Wang J, Li S, Sun L, Lu J, Wen Q, Zhou M, Ma L, Ding X, Wang X, Yao X. Internalization of NK cells into tumor cells requires ezrin and leads to programmed cell-in-cell death. Cell Res. 2009 Sep 29. (coauthor)
Next One::
1.Zhou, R, Guo, Z, Watson, C, Chen, E, Kong, R, Wang, W and Yao, X. Polarized distribution of IQGAP proteins in gastric parietal cells and their roles in regulated epithelial cell secretion. Molecular Biology of Cell 2003,14: 1097-108 (coauthor)