Jihua Hao


  1. Astrobiology, 2023 Fall, first astrobiology course for undergraduates surely in USTC, and very likely China.

  2. Science and Society, 2023, Fall, for freshman students enrolled in the Zhaojiuzhang Elite Program of the department.

Before USTC:

Co-instructor, Rutgers University, USA

  1. History of Earth Systems (by Prof. P. Falkowski), 2019 Fall.

  2. Chemical Oceanography (by Prof. S. Severmann), 2020 Spring.

Guest Lecturer, Tsinghua University, China: Planets and Life (by Prof. F. Tian), 1 lecture entitled “Evolution of the Earth: a brief introduction”, 2017 Fall.

Teaching Assistant, Johns Hopkins University, USA

  1. Introduction to Sustainability (by Prof. C. Parker), 2015 Spring.

  2. Guided Tour: The Planets, (by Prof. B. Marsh and Prof. D. Strobel), 2014 Spring.

  3. Conversations with the Earth, (by Prof. B. Marsh and Prof. D. Strobel), 2013 Fall.