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·Paper Publications
- [71] hulonghua,hulonghua.Flame radiation fraction behaviors of sooty buoyant turbulent jet diffusion flames in reduced- and normal atmospheric pressures and a global correlation with Reynolds number.FUEL,2013,116781-786.
- [72] hulonghua,hulonghua.A new mathematical quantification of wind-blown flame tilt angle of hydrocarbon pool fires with a new global correlation model.FUEL,2013,106730-736.
- [73] hulonghua,hulonghua.Flame height and lift-off of turbulent buoyant jet diffusion flames in a reduced pressure atmosphere.FUEL,2013,109234-240.
- [74] hulonghua,hulonghua.A mathematical model on lateral temperature profile of buoyant window spill plume from a compartment fire.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2013,56(1-2):447-453.
- [75] hulonghua.Blow-out limits of nonpremixed turbulent jet flames in a cross flow at atmospheric and sub-atmospheric pressures.COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2015,162(10):3562-3568.
- [76] hulonghua.Blow-out of nonpremixed turbulent jet flames at sub-atmospheric pressures.COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2017,176358-360.
- [77] hulonghua,hulonghua.Limiting oxygen concentration for extinction of upward spreading flames over inclined thin polyethylene-insulated NiCr electrical wires with opposed-flow under normal- and micro-gravity.PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE,2016,36(2):3045-3053.
- [78] hulonghua,hulonghua.Flame necking-in and instability characterization in small and medium pool fires with different lip heights.COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2015,162(4):1095-1103.
- [79] hulonghua,hulonghua.A review of physics and correlations of pool fire behaviour in wind and future challenges.FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2017,9141-55.
- [80] hulonghua,hulonghua.Flame heights of line-source buoyant turbulent non-premixed jets with air entrainment constraint by two parallel side walls.FUEL,2017,200583-589.