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·Paper Publications
- [81] hulonghua.Turbulent jet diffusion flame length evolution with cross flows in a sub-pressure atmosphere.ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT,2015,106703-708.
- [82] hulonghua.Thermal buoyant smoke back-layering flow length in a longitudinal ventilated tunnel with ceiling extraction at difference distance from heat source.APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2015,78129-135.
- [83] hulonghua.Window ejected flame height and heat flux along facade with air entrainment constraint by a sloping facing wall.FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL,2014,71248-256.
- [84] hulonghua,hulonghua.Evolution of heat feedback in medium pool fires with cross air flow and scaling of mass burning flux by a stagnant layer theory solution.PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE,2014,352511-2518.
- [85] hulonghua,hulonghua.Axial temperature profile in vertical buoyant turbulent jet fire in a reduced pressure atmosphere.FUEL,2013,106779-786.
- [86] hulonghua,hulonghua.Experimental study on diffusive solid combustion behavior during transition from normal- to reduced-gravity.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2012,55(7-8):2035-2043.
- [87] hulonghua.Non-dimensional correlations on flame height and axial temperature profile of a buoyant turbulent line-source jet fire plume.JOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES,2014,32(5):406-416.
- [88] hulonghua,hulonghua.A re-examination of entrainment constant and an explicit model for flame heights of rectangular jet fires.COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2014,161(11):3000-3002.
- [89] hulonghua,hulonghua.Flame radiation feedback to fuel surface in medium ethanol and heptane pool fires with cross air flow.COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2013,160(2):295-306.
- [90] hulonghua,hulonghua.Experimental study and analysis on the interaction between two slot-burner buoyant turbulent diffusion flames at various burner pitches.COMBUSTION AND FLAME,2017,186105-113.