- Gender:
- Name (English):Ning Jiang
- Name (Pinyin):jiangning
- E-Mail:
- Business Address:物质科研楼C栋1010-4
- Alma Mater:University of Science and Technology of China
- Teacher College:Physical Sciences

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- Paper Publications
- Wang, Y. B.,Jiang, N..Mid-infrared Outbursts in Nearby Galaxies (MIRONG). II. Optical Spectroscopic Follow-up.The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series,2022,258(1):21.
- Jiang, N.,Infrared Echoes of Optical Tidal Disruption Events: ∼1% Dust-covering Factor or Less at Subparsec Scale.The Astrophysical Journal,2021,911(1):31.
- Jiang, N.,Wang, Tinggui,Dou, L. M.,Shu, X. W.,Hu, X. Y.,Liu, H.,Wang, Y. B.,Yan, L.,Yang, C. W.,Sheng, Z. F.,Sun, L. M.,Zhou, H. Y..Mid-infrared Outbursts in Nearby Galaxies (MIRONG). I. Sample Selection and Characterization.The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series,2021,252(1):32.
- He, Z. C.,Jiang, N..An Extraordinary Response of Iron Emission to the Central Outburst in a Tidal Disruption Event Candidate.The Astrophysical Journal,2021,907(2):L29.
- Sun, L. M.,Jiang, N..A Mid-infrared Flare in the Active Galaxy MCG-02-04-026: Dust Echo of a Nuclear Transient Event.The Astrophysical Journal,2020,898(2):129.
- Wang, T. G.,Jiang, N..An Ongoing Mid-infrared Outburst in the White Dwarf 0145+234: Catching in Action the Tidal Disruption of an Exoasteroid?.The Astrophysical Journal Letters,2019,886(1):L5.
- Jiang, N..Infrared Echo and Late-stage Rebrightening of Nuclear Transient Ps1-10adi: Exploring the Torus with Tidal Disruption Events in Active Galactic Nuclei.The Astrophysical Journal,2019,871(1):15.
- Jiang, N.,Discovery of an Active Intermediate-mass Black Hole Candidate in the Barred Bulgeless Galaxy NGC 3319.The Astrophysical Journal,2018,869(1):49.
- Jiang, N.,Wang, T. G.,Dou, L. M..黑洞潮汐撕裂恒星事件及其回响.物理,2018,47(5):303-309.
- Jiang, N.,Mid-infrared Flare of TDE Candidate PS16dtm: Dust Echo and Implications for the Spectral Evolution.The Astrophysical Journal,2017,850(1):63.