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Ø  B. Cao, H. Liu, R. Fan, X. Ju*, L. Yang*, Experimental and modelling study on smoke retaining effect of air curtain jet in urban utility tunnel fire, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 57 (2025) 103143.


Ø  X. Jia, N. Jiang, P. Zhang, M. Li, H. Yu, X. Ju*, L. Yang*, An experimental study of pedestrian bidirectional flow through bottlenecks, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2024 (2024) 023405.

Ø  Z. Zhou, M. Li, X. Zhou, L. Li, X. Ju*, L. Yang*, Investigating thermal runaway triggering mechanism of the prismatic lithium iron phosphate battery under thermal abuse, Renewable Energy, 220 (2024) 119674.

Ø  L. Yan, X. Ju*, H. Liu, J. Gong, D. Lai, J. Xu, L. Yang*, Ignition limits of pine wood building material under the coupling effects of thermal radiation and cross winds, Journal of Building Engineering, 96 (2024) 110576.

Ø  B. Cao, H. Liu, R. Fan, X. Ju, L. Yang*, Experimental and theoretical investigation of longitudinal temperature attenuation and smoke movement in urban utility tunnel fires, Fire, 7 (4) (2024) 123.

Ø  X. Ju, M. Lisano, M. Hajilou, P.B. Sunderland, S.I. Stoliarov, L. Yang, M.J. Gollner*, Quantification of firebrand generation from WUI fuels for model development: Firebrand generation rate, surface temperature and heat release rate, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40 (1-4) (2024) 105729.


Ø  X. Ju, A. Bunkwang, T. Yamazaki, T. Matsuoka, Y. Nakamura, Flame flickering can cease under normal gravity and atmospheric pressure in a horizontally moving dual burner system, Physical Review Applied, 19 (1) (2023) 014060.

Ø  X. Ju, M. Conkling, M. Hajilou, S. Lin, F. Mostafa, A. Ayyar, A. McDowell, M. Lisano, M.J. Gollner, Laboratory quantification of firebrand generation from WUI fuels for model development, Fire Safety Journal, 141 (2023) 103921.

Ø  H. Liu, X. Ju*, K. Ye, D. Wang, B. Cao, X. Zhou, B. Cao, L. Yang*, The critical condition of ghosting flame state in the enclosed tunnel, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 141 (2023) 105371.

Ø  M. Li, Z. Zhou, P. Zhang, N. Jiang, X. Jia, X. Ju*, L. Yang*, Effect of walking height on movement of individuals and crowds in a corridor, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2023 (2023) 083403.

Ø  K. Wang, Z. Lu, D. Wang, X. Zhou, X. Ju*, L. Yang*, Effect of slope on smoke movement and temperature profile in underground utility tunnel, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 148 (19) (2023) 10285-10300.

Ø  Z. Zhou, M. Li, X. Zhou, X. Ju*, L. Yang*, Investigating thermal runaway characteristics and trigger mechanism of the parallel lithium-ion battery, Applied Energy, 349 (2023) 121690.

Ø  M. Liu, X. Zhou, L. Yang*, X. Ju*, A novel Kalman-filter-based battery internal temperature estimation method based on an enhanced electro-thermal coupling model, Journal of Energy Storage, 71 (2023) 108241.

Ø  L. Li, X. Zhou, X. Ju*, Z. Zhou, B. Wang, B. Cao, L. Yang*, Comprehensive analysis on aging behavior and safety performance of LiNixCoyMnzO2/graphite batteries after slight over-discharge cycle, Applied Thermal Engineering, 225 (2023) 120172.

Ø  D. Wang, X. Ju*, X. Zhou, Z. Zhou, H. Liu, P. Zhang, L. Yang*, Experimental study of the effect of opening factor on self-extinguishing and blue ghosting flame in under-ventilated compartment fire, Fire Technology, 59 (2023) 595-621.

Ø  D. Wang, X. Ju*, L. Yang*, Experimental studies of the effect of burner location on the development of building fires, Journal of Building Engineering, 65 (2023) 105680.

Ø  Z. Zhou, X. Zhou, X. Ju, M. Li, B. Cao, L. Yang, Experimental study of thermal runaway propagation along horizontal and vertical directions for LiFePO4 electrical energy storage modules, Renewable Energy, 207 (2023) 13-26.

Ø  D. Wang, X. Ju, J. Gui, Y. Jiang, Z. Zhou, X. Zhou, J. Liu, L. Yang, Full-scale experimental study on the integrity of tempered glass protected by different sprinkler systems in high-rise building fire, Fire Technology, 59 (2023) 1465–1488.

Ø  B. Liao, X. Ju, D. Lai, L. Yang, Experimental study of combustion characteristics of PET laminated photovoltaic panels by fire calorimetry, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 253 (2023) 112242.


Ø  X. Ju, M. Mizuno, T. Matsuoka, T. Yamazaki, K. Kuwana, Y. Nakamura, Effect of circulation on flame heights over liquid fuel pools, Combustion and Flame, 246 (2022) 112435.

Ø  X. Ju, X. Ren, E. Sluder, L. Yang, M. J. Gollner, Flame attachment and downstream heating effect of inclined line fires, Combustion and Flame, 240 (2022) 112004.

Ø  X. Ju, K. Shiino, T. Matsuoka, T. Yamazaki, Y. Nakamura, Scale model experiments of fire whirls over the non-fuel zone around an L-shaped fire source, Combustion and Flame, 238 (2022) 111930.

Ø  Z. Zhou, X. Ju, X. Zhou, L. Yang, B. Cao, A comprehensive study on the impact of heating position on thermal runaway of prismatic lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 520 (2022) 230919.

Ø  X. Ren, X. Ju, M. J. Gollner, Effect of freestream turbulence on the structure of boundary-layer flames, Combustion and Flame, 236 (2022) 111750.

Ø  K. Zhao, Z. Wang, S. Ma, X. Ju, P. Guo, X. Cao, Experimental study on the diffusion burning and radiative heat delivery of two adjacent heptane pool fires, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 171 (2022) 107246.


Ø  P. Zhang, H. Cheng, D. Huang, L. Yang*, S. Lo, X. Ju*, Experimental study on crowd following behavior under the effect of a leader, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 10 (2021) 103402.

Ø  X. Ju, T. Matsuoka, T. Yamazaki, Y. Nakamura, Effect of single-layer metal wire mesh insertion on burning behavior of laminar coflow propane/air diffusion flames, Combustion and Flame, 234 (2021) 111612.

Ø  L. Li, X. Ju*, X. Zhou, Y. Peng, Z. Zhou, B. Cao, L. Yang*, Experimental study on thermal runaway process of 18650 lithium-ion battery under different discharge currents, Materials, 14 (2021) 4740.

Ø  D. Lai, J. Gong, X. Zhou, X. Ju, Y. Zheng, L. Yang, F. Peng, Pyrolysis and piloted ignition of thermally thick PMMA exposed to constant thermal radiation in cross forced airflow, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 155 (2021) 105042.

Ø  K. Ye, X. Tang, Y. Zheng, X. Ju, Y. Peng, H. Liu, D. Wang, B. Cao, L. Yang, Estimating the two-dimensional thermal environment generated by strong fire plumes in an urban utility tunnel, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 148 (2021) 737-750.

Ø  D. Wang, X. Zhou, J. Gui, X. Ju, K. Ye, Z. Zhou, J. Cao, Y. Zheng, B. Cao, L. Yang, F. Peng, Experimental study on the effect of pool fire area and violent fuel boiling on fuel burning state evolution in compartment fire, Fuel, 284 (2021) 118933.


Ø  居晓宇, 廖百胜, 黄玉彪, 彭扬, 杨立中, BIPV系统的消防安全研究综述, 太阳能, 12 (320) (2020) 9-16.

Ø  J. Cao, X. Ju, Y. Peng, X. Zhou, Y. Hu, L. Li, D. Wang, B. Cao, L. Yang, F. Peng, Experimental study on fire hazard of LiCoO2-based lithium-ion batteries with gel electrolyte using a cone calorimeter, Journal of Energy Storage, 32 (2020) 101884.

Ø  B. Liao, L. Yang, X. Ju, Y. Peng, Y. Gao, Experimental study on burning and toxicity hazards of a PET laminated photovoltaic panel, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 206 (2020) 110295.

Ø  Y. Peng, L. Yang, X. Ju, B. Liao, K. Ye, L. Li, B. Cao, Y. Ni, A comprehensive investigation on the thermal and toxic hazards of large format lithium-ion batteries with LiFePO4 cathode, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 381 (2020) 120916.

Ø  Y. Peng, X. Zhou, Y. Hu, X. Ju, B. Liao, L. Yang, A new exploration of the fire behaviors of large format power lithium ion battery, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 139 (2) (2020) 1243-1254.

Before 2019

Ø  X. Ju, X. Zhou, J. Gong, K. Zhao, Y. Peng, C. Zhang, X. Ren, L. Yang, Impact of flat-roof-integrated solar photovoltaic installation mode on building fire safety, Fire and Materials, 43 (8) (2019) 936-948.

Ø  X. Ju, M.J. Gollner, Y. Wang, W. Tang, K. Zhao, X. Ren, L. Yang, Downstream radiative and convective heating from methane and propane fires with cross wind, Combustion and Flame, 204 (2019) 1-12.

Ø  K. Zhao, L. Yang, W. Tang, Q. Liu, X. Ju, J. Gong, Effect of orientation on the burning and flame characteristics of PMMA slabs under different pressure environments, Applied Thermal Engineering, 156 (2019) 619-626.

Ø  X. Ju, X. Zhou, K. Zhao, F. Peng, L. Yang, Experimental study on fire behaviors of flexible photovoltaic panels using a cone calorimeter, Journal of Fire Sciences, 36 (2018) 63-77.

Ø  Y. Hu, X. Zhou, Z. Wu, X. Ju, Y. Peng, L. Yang, Ignition and burning behaviors of automobile oil in engine compartment, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 132 (2018) 305-316.

Ø  X. Ju, X. Zhou, K. Zhao, Y. Hu, T. Mu, Y. Ni, L. Yang, Experimental study on burning behaviors of photovoltaic panels with different coverings using a cone calorimeter, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 9 (2017) 063502.

Ø  X. Ju, X. Zhou, F. Peng, Z. Wu, D. Lai, Y. Hu, L. Yang, Correlation analysis of heat flux and fire behaviour and hazards of polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic panels, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 201 (2017) 012036.

Ø  崔杰,毛亚岐,吴刚,居晓宇,杨立中, 基于锥形量热仪试验的典型线束包覆物燃烧特性研究, 汽车技术6 (2016) 32-36.

Ø  K. Zhao, X. Zhou, X. Liu, L. Lu, Z. Wu, F. Peng, X. Ju, L. Yang, Prediction of three-dimensional downward flame spread characteristics over poly (methyl methacrylate) slabs under different pressure environments, Materials, 9 (2016) 948.