2025.03, 入选2024年爱思唯尔(Elsevier)“网络空间安全”领域“中国高被引学者”.
2025.03, our paper "Breaking the Communication Bottleneck: A Novel MPI Framework Based on Priority Flow Scheduling for Distributed Scientific Computing Tasks" is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine.
2025.03, our paper "Privacy-Preserving Statistical Analysis with Low Redundancy over Task-Relevant Microdata" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
2025.02, our paper "HPR-DS: A Hybrid Proactive Reactive Defense Scheme Against Interest Flooding Attack in Named Data Networking" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
2025.02, our paper "Towards High-Quality Real-Time Video Streaming: An Efficient Multi-Stream and Multi-Path Scheduling Framework" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
2025.02, our paper "Enabling Accurate and Efficient Privacy-Preserving Truth Discovery for Sparse Crowdsensing" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
2025.02, our paper "CAAF: An NDN-Based Cache-Aware Adaptive Forwarding Strategy for Reliable Content Delivery in VANETs" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
2025.02, our paper "IPSeQ: A Security-Enhanced IPSec Protocol Integrated with Quantum Key Distribution" is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine.
2025.02, Dr. Xue is invited to serve as a symposium co-chair for "Future Internet and Networking" of IEEE/CIC ICCC'25. Conference Website
2025.01, Six papers are accepted by IEEE ICC'25: "Privacy-preserving and Top-k Sparsified Federated Learning with Low Communication Overhead", "DPPDI: Efficient Distributed Privacy-Preserving Data Integration for Large Datasets", “Defending Against Poisoning Attacks in Federated Learning with Strong Privacy Protection", "A NAT Network Host Probing Method Through NTP Traffic Analysis", "User Behavior-Based Dynamic Authentication Design for Enhanced Identity Security" and "A Handover-aware Congestion Control Algorithm Assisted by DRL in LEO Satellite Networks".
2025.01, our paper "Integration of Quantum Key Distribution Networks and Classical Networks: An Evolution Perspective" is accepted by IEEE Network.
2024.12,祝贺本科生谢旋超团队负责项目“星鉴: 支持多域多模型的中文机器生成文本检测系统”获得中国科学技术大学福昕创新创业基金立项支持!
2024.12, 指导学生团队(李美琪为队长,夏宇、朱鹏宇、江千童作为队员)所提交作品"BC-EVote:基于区块链的多功能定制化安全投票平台"荣获CCF第三届大学生区块链技术与创新应用竞赛一等奖!
2024.12, our paper "Defending Against Link-Flooding Attacks with Adversary Interest Prediction and Grouped Online Load Balancing" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
2024.12, our paper "NetRT: Enhancing RDMA with Retransmission Offloading in Data Center Networks" is accepted by IEEE Infocom 2025.
2024.12, our paper "Fair-EAS: Entanglement Allocation and Selection for Process-Oriented Fairness in Quantum Communication Networks" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Communucations.
2024.12, 祝贺陈鲁同获得中科院院长奖!!祝贺罗昕怡、黄轩博获得博士生国家奖学金,祝贺丁坤鹏、肖子睿获得硕士生国家奖学金!!祝贺黄雅轩和李美琪分别获得江淮蔚来汽车奖学金和安恒科技奖学金!!
2024.11,指导研究生和本科生联队(吴梦辉担任队长,杨旭作为成员之一)获得“中国网谷 华为杯”第三届中国研究生网络安全创新大赛实网对抗赛二等奖。
2024.11, our paper "DRM-ETP: A Dynamic Rate Matching-Based Entanglement Transport Protocol in Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
2024.10, our paper "NarrowGap: Reducing Bottlenecks for End-to-End Entanglement Distribution in Quantum Networks" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
2024.09, our paper "SSE-CTC: Search over Encrypted Data with Owner-Enforced and Complete Time Constraints" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
2024.09, our paper "SpiderNet: Enabling Bot Identification in Network Topology Obfuscation against Link Flooding Attacks" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
2024.09, 入选2024年度发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家 "终生科学影响力排行榜单" 和 "年度科学影响力排行榜单".
2024.08, our paper "SLP: A Secure and Lightweight Scheme against Content Poisoning Attacks in Named Data Networking Based on Probing" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
2024.08, our paper "Adaptive Multi-source Multi-path Congestion Control for Named Data Networking" is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
2024.08, our paper "S3Voting: A Blockchain Sharding Based E-voting Approach with Security and Scalability" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
2024.08, our paper "Purification Scheduling Control for Throughput Maximization in Quantum Networks" is accepted by Communications Physics.
2024.08, 国家科学技术著作出版基金资助专著《区块链技术及其在信息网络中的应用》正式由科学出版社出版,https://item.jd.com/10111929771925.html
2024.08, Dr. Xue is invited as the TPC chair of IEEE QCNC 2025. Conference Website
Call for Paper: Special issue "Building a More Secure Future: Developing Unbreakable Communication Protocols for the Quantum Era" in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), the deadline is Jul. 15th, 2024.
2024.08, our paper "Collecting Partial Ordered Data with Local Differential Privacy" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
2024.07, our paper "Pushing the Performance Limits of Datacenter Networks with Fine-grained Priority Assignment" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
2024.06, Dr. Xue is urgently invited as the TPC chair of IEEE Globecom SAC QC.
2024.06, our paper "Joint Distribution Analysis for Set-Valued Data with Local Differential Privacy" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
2024.06, our paper "EtherCloak: Enabling Multi-Level and Customized Privacy on Account-Model Blockchains" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
2024.05, our paper "CrossChannel: Efficient and Scalable Cross-Chain Transactions Through Cross-and-Off-Blockchain Micropayment Channel" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
2024.05, our paper "FakeBehalf: Imperceptible Email Spoofing Attacks against the Delegation Mechanism in Email Systems" is accepted by Usenix Security 2024.
2024.05, Dr. Xue is invited to serve as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
2024.05, our paper "A Secure and Efficient Blockchain Sharding Scheme via Hybrid Consensus and Dynamic Management" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
2024.05, our paper "You Can Obfuscate, but You Cannot Hide: CrossPoint Attacks against Network Topology Obfuscation" is accepted by Usenix Security 2024.
2024.04, Dr. Xue is invited to serve as a symposium chair of "Wireless Networking, Services, and Security Symposium" for WCSP'24. Conference Website
2024.04, our paper "Q-CSKDF: A Continuous and Security Key Derivation Function for Quantum Key Distribution" is accepted by IEEE Network.
2024.04, our paper "ProactMP: A Proactive Multipath Transport Protocol for Low-Latency Datacenters" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management.
2024.04, our paper "LSCC: Link-Segmented Congestion Control for RDMA in Cross-Datacenter Networks" is accepted by IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2024.
2024.03, 入选2023年爱思唯尔(Elsevier)“网络空间安全”领域“中国高被引学者”.
2024.01, Dr. Xue is invited to serve as a track chair of "Quantum Information Networks" for IEEE QCNC'24. Conference Website
2023.12, our paper "RateMP: Optimizing Bandwidth Utilization with High Burst Tolerance in Data Center Networks" is accepted by IEEE Infocom 2024.
2023.10, Dr. Xue is invited as a track chair of Blockchain for IEEE ICDCS'24. Conference website
2023.10, 入选2023年度发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家 "终生科学影响力排行榜单" 和 "年度科学影响力排行榜单".
2023.06, 量子网络方向综述论文“Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Networks: Mechanics, Enabling Technologies, Challenges, and Research Directions”被权威期刊IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials录用。学校主页报道
2023.04, Dr. Xue is invited to serve as a symposium co-chair of CIS (Communication and Information Security) for IEEE ICNC 2024. CFP Link
团队开发的系统级量子网络仿真平台SimQN在GitHub开源https://github.com/ertuil/SimQN,介绍该平台的论文"SimQN: a Network-layer Simulator for the Quantum Network Investigation" 被中科院1区网络和通信领域权威杂志IEEE Network录用。
2022.12, 论文"Blacktooth: Breaking through the Defense of Bluetooth in Silence" 获得信息安全顶会ACM CCS 2022 的最佳论文提名奖 (Best Paper Honorable Mention)。 学校主页报道