Lailin Xu Supervisor of Doctorate CandidatesSupervisor of Master's Candidates

Administrative Position:Professor

Contact Information:0551-63607936


Discipline: Physics

Research Focus

Current position: USTC Lailin Xu > Research Focus

Detector upgrade and R&D



To fully exploit the discovery potential of the HL-LHC, it is essential to maintain the excellent performance of the detectors in terms of efficiency, resolution, and background rejection. The silicon tracker with precision tracking and timing will help mitigate pileup effects, one of the biggest challenges for the HL-LHC. For ATLAS Phase-2 upgrade, Dr. Xu is interested in developing silicon detectors using novel, state-of-the art technology, such as Low Gain Avalanche Detector and Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors, to achieve high performance in high radiation environments.

Application of state-of-the-art technology in detector development would have profound impact for the design and development of future collider experiments (Future Circular Collider, Circular Electron Positron Collider, Super Tau-Charm Factory, etc) and other particle physics experiments and facilities (Electron Ion Collider).

Silicon detectors