Determining the conductivity for a nonautonomous hyperbolic operator in a cylindrical domain
Impact Factor:2.9
DOI number:10.1002/mma.4728
Journal:Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Key Words:Carleman estimate; hyperbolic equation; inverse problem; infinite domain; Time and space-dependent coefficient
Abstract:This paper is devoted to the reconstruction of the conductivity coefficient for a nonautonomous hyperbolic operator an infinite cylindrical domain. Applying a local Carleman estimate, we prove the uniqueness and a Holder stability in the determination of the conductivity using a single measurement data on the lateral boundary. Our numerical examples show good reconstruction of the location and contrast of the conductivity function in 3 dimensions.
Co-author:Larisa Beilina,Michel Cristofol,Shumin Li
Indexed by:Journal paper
Document Code:000426736400020
Discipline:Natural Science
Document Type:J
Page Number:2012-2030
ISSN No.:0170-4214
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-03-30
Included Journals:SCI、EI
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