Jian Liu
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DOI number: 10.1007/s11075-019-00739-1
Journal: Numerical Algorithms
Abstract: Gyrocenter dynamics of charged particles plays a fundamental and important role in plasma physics, which requires accuracy and conservation in a long-time simulation. Variational symplectic algorithms and canonicalized symplectic algorithms have been developed for gyrocenter dynamics. However, variational symplectic methods are always unstable, and canonicalized symplectic methods need coordinates transformation case by case, which is usually difficult to find. Based on the fact that the Hamiltonian function describing the energy of the system is invariant, we develop energy-preserving algorithms for gyrocenter dynamics systematically using the discrete gradient method. The given integrators have significant advantages in preserving energy and efficiency over long-time simulations, compared with non-symplectic methods and canonicalized symplectic algorithms.
Co-author: Ruili Zhang,Jian Liu*,Hong Qin,Yifa Tang
Indexed by: Journal paper
Discipline: Natural Science
Volume: 81
Issue: 4
Page Number: 1521-1530
Translation or Not: no
Date of Publication: 2019-06-09
Included Journals: ISTP、SCI
Links to published journals: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11075-019-00739-1