个人信息Personal Information
等离子体物理理论 Theories of Plasmas
大规模数值模拟 Large-scale simulations
保结构算法 Structure preserving algorithms
可控聚变能 Fusion Energy
物理系统的机器学习 Machine Learning in Physics
数据驱动物理 Data-driven Physics
数字科学装置 Digital Scientific Facilities
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- Structure-preserving algorithm and its error estimate for the relativistic charged-particle dynamics under the strong magnetic field.Journal of Scientific Computing,2024,100:70.
- Experimental and simulation analysis of Weakly Coherent Modes in the I-mode discharges on EAST.Nuclear Fusion,2024,
- Optimization of pellet design parameters to achieve deep fueling depth in EAST plasma with PAM code.Nuclear Fusion,2024,56
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- Beibei Zhu,Jian Liu*,Aiqing Zhu,Jiawei Zhang,Yifa Tang.Explicit K-symplectic-like algorithms for guiding center system.Physica Scripta,2023,98(12):125607.
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