  • 副教授
  • 教师拼音名称:liujie
  • 电子邮箱:
  • 联系方式:+86-551-63607249
  • 学位:博士
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果
  • [21]Optimal decisions for sellers considering valuation bias and strategic consumer reactions, European Journal of Operational Research, 2017, 259(2): 599-613.
  • [22]The effect of carbon tariffs on global emission control: A global supply chain model, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 133(Article 101818): 1-21.
  • [23]刘杰,刘杰.Normal Limiting Distribution of the Size of Binary Interval Trees.MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2014,2015
  • [24]刘杰.Supply chain equilibrium among companies with offline and online selling channels.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH,2015,53(22):6672-6688.
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