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- Consistent two-stage estimation in heterogeneous network autoregressive model.Statistics and Probability Letters,2024,212:110147.
- Variational Bayesian inference for bipartite mixed-membership stochastic block model with applications to collaborative filtering.Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,2024,189:107836.
- Homogeneous analysis on network effects in network autoregressive mode.Finance Research Letters,2023,58:104671.
- Price timing and financing strategies for a capital-constrained supply chain with price-dependent stochastic demand.International Journal of Production Economics,2023,261:108885.
- Capital allocation and pricing decisions under trade credit with time-sensitive stochastic demand.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,2023,173:103093.
- Nonparametric doubly robust estimation of causal effect on networks in observational studies.Stat,2023,12(1):1-14.
- Asymptotic behavior of tail distortion risk measure for aggregate weight-adjusted losses.Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,2023,19(7):2025-5044.
- Prediction models with graph kernel regularization for network data.Journal of Applied Statistics,2023,50(6):1400-1417.
- Collaboration mechanisms and community detection of statisticians based on ERGMs and kNN-walktrap.Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,2022,138:107372.
- Ordering and interest rate strategies in platform finance with an overconfident and commerce retailer.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,2021,153:102430.
- Green supply chain contracts with eco-labels issued by the sales platform: Profitability and environmental implications.International Journal of Production Research,2020,58(5):1485-1504.
- Business analytics: online promotion with gift rewards.Annals of Operations Research,2020,291(1-2):1061-1076.
- The effect of carbon tariffs on global emission control: A global supply chain model.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review,2020,133(101818):1-21.
- Optimal decisions for sellers considering valuation bias and strategic consumer reactions.European Journal of Operational Research,2017,259(2):599-613.
- Asymptotics for the partial sum and its maximum of dependent random variables.Lithuanian Mathematical Journal,2017,57(1):142-153.