Scientific Research
Research Field
Paper Publications
Yi-Na Li, Dong-Jin Li*, Kang Zhang (2016), The Impact of Metaphors on Information Visualization, Journal of Visualization,20(76): 1-18. doi:10.1007/s12650-016-0371-9.
Chu-Bing Zhang, Yi-Na Li*, Bo-Wu, Dong-Jin Li (2017), The Roles of Network Externalities and Social Interaction Ties in Building Wechat Users’ Continuance Intention, Computers in Human Behavior,69: 284-293. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.11.069.
Yi-Na Li, Kang Zhang*, Dong-Jin Li (2017), Rule-Based Automatic Generation of Logo Designs, Leonardo, 50(2):177-181. doi:https://doi.org/10.1162/LEON_a_00961.
Yi-Na Li*, Kang Zhang, Dong-Jin Li (2017), How Dimensional and Semantic Attributes of Visual Symbol Influence Relative Value Estimation, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol.14, Iss. 3 Article No.18. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3059006.
Meng-Jia Zhang, Jie Li*, Kang Zhang*, Yi-Na Li (2017), Visual Exploration of 3D Geospatial Networks in A Virtual Reality Environment, Computer Journal, 61(3), 447-458. doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxx117.
Yi-Na Li, Miaomiao Cai, Kaiya Wu*, Jiuchang Wei (2019), Decoupling Analysis of Carbon Emission from Construction Land in Shanghai, Journal of Cleaner Production, 210: 25-34. doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.10.249.
Published Books
Research Projects
重大突发公共卫生事件下的公众风险感知分析, 校青年创新基金, 参与性质: 主持, 纵向, ¥50,000.00, 2020-2021,
重大突发公共卫生事件下公众风险感知、行为规律及公众情绪引导, 基金委专项项目, 参与性质: 参与(排序3/3), 纵向, ¥500,000.00, 2020-2021,
平台化供应链的风险分析与治理研究4, 基金委国家创新研究群体(项目主要参与人子课题), 参与性质: 主持, 纵向, ¥6,700,000.00, 2020-2024,
社会心理压力和社会风险的影响:聚焦数据和研究方法的中瑞交流, 基金委国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 参与性质: 参与(排序3/3), 纵向, ¥400,000.00, 2021-2023,