马世嵩  (教授)



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5. Padmanabhan MS, Ma S, Burch-Smith TM, Czymmek K, Huijser P, Dinesh-Kumar SP. 2013. Novel Positive Regulatory Role for the SPL6 Transcription Factor in the N TIR-NB-LRR Receptor-Mediated Plant Innate Immunity. PLOS Pathogens 9: e1003235.




上一条: 9. Ma S, Gong Q, Bohnert HJ. 2007. An Arabidopsis gene network based on the graphical Gaussian model. Genome Research 17: 1614-1625.

下一条: 4. Ma S*, Shah S, Bohnert HJ, Snyder M, Dinesh-Kumar SP*. 2013. Incorporating Motif Analysis into Gene Co-expression Networks Reveals Novel Modular Expression Pattern and New Signaling Pathways. PLOS Genetics 9: e1003840. (*共同通讯作者)