[32] Wu Y., N. Mangold, Y. Liu, J. Carter, X. Wu, L. Pan, Q. Huang, C. Zhang, K. Li, Y. Zou, Comprehensive analysis of the alteration of Tyrrhena Terra: Implications for source-to-sink processes on Mars, under review.
[31] Peng J.#, L. Pan, A. Lucchetti, Observation of water ice halos and bright cores within dark dune spots: Implication for a solid green-house effect, under review.
[30] Deng Z., K. Nikolajsen, M. Schiller, L. Pan, M., Bizzarro, Redox evolutions of planetary mantle reservoirs constrained by titanium isotopes, under review.
[29] Kepp M.*, L. Pan, J. Frydenvang, M., Bizzarro, Orbital identification of widespread hydrated silica deposits in Gale crater, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2024, 648, 119082. [link]
[28] Deng Z., M. Schiller, M. G. Jackson, M.-A. Millet, L. Pan, K. Nikolajsen, N. S. Saji, D. Huang, M. Bizzarro, Earth's evolving geodynamic regime recorded by titanium isotopes, Nature, 2023: 1-5. [link]
[27] Xu Z., A. Broquet, N. Fuji, T. Kawamura, P. Lognonne , J.-P. Montagner, L. Pan, M. Schimmel , E. Stutzmann , W. B. Banerdt. Investigation of Martian Regional Crustal Structure Near the Dichotomy Using S1222a Surface-Wave Group Velocities, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2023, vol 50, issue 8, e2023GL103136. [link]
[26] Zhang Z., H. Jiang, P. Ju, L. Pan, J. Roulliard, G.-T. Zhou, J. Hao, Synthesis/destruction of building blocks of life during impact-induced hydrothermal activities on the primitive Earth? Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, vol 14, 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1032073. [link]
[25] Pan, L., Z. Deng, M. Bizarro. Impact induced oxidation and its implications for early Mars climate, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2023, 50, e2023GL102724. [link] 【EoS报道】
[24] Zhao Y. Y.-S., J. Yu, G.-F. Wei, L. Pan, X. Wang, J.-T. Wang, Y. Liu, X. Wu, X.-Zeng, X.-Y. Li, X.-Y. Li, G. Bao, X.-W. Yu, S.-Y. Qu, C. Sun, W. Xu, Y. Rao, T. Sun, F. Chen, B. Zhang, W.-M. Xu, X.-F. Liu, Y.-T. Lin, J.-Z. Liu, In situ analysis of surface composition and meteorology at the Zhurong landing site on Mars, National Science Review, 2023, nwad056. [link]
[23] Zhu K., M. Schiller, L. Pan, N. S. Saji, K. K. Larsen, E. Ansellem, C. Roudaug, P. Sossi, F. Moynier, M. Bizarro, Late delivery of exotic chromium to the crust of Mars by water-rich asteroids, Science Advances, 2022, 8, 46, 10.1126/sciadv.abp8415. [link]
[22] Carrasco S., B. Knapmeyer-Endrun, L. Margerin, C. Schmelzbach, K. Onodera, L. Pan, P. Lognonné, S. Menina, D. Giardini, E. Stutzmann, J. Clinton, S. Stähler, M. Schimmel, M. Golombek, M. Hobiger, M. Hallo, S. Kedar and W. B. Banerdt, Empirical H/V spectral ratios at the InSight landing site and implications for the Martian subsurface structure. Geophysical Journal International, 2022, 232, 2, 1293–1310. [link]
[21] Liu Y., X. Wu, Y-Y. S. Zhao, L. Pan, C. Wang, J. Liu, Z. Zhao, X. Zhou, C. Zhang,Y. Wu, Y. Zou. Zhurong reveals recent aqueous activities in Utopia Planitia, Mars. Science Advances, 2022, 8, 19, 10.1126/sciadv.abn8555. [link]
[20] Warner N. H., M. P. Golombek, V. Ansan, E. Marteau, N. Williams, J. A. Grant, E. Hauber,C. Weitz, S. Wilson, S. Piqueux, N. Mueller, M. Grott, T. Spohn, L. Pan , C.Schmelzbach, I. Daubar, J. Garvin, C. Charalambous, M. Baker, M. Banks, In Situ and Orbital Stratigraphic Characterization of the InSight Landing Site - A Type Example of a Regolith-Covered Lava Plain on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2022, 127, e2022JE007232. [link]
[19] Breton, S.*, C. Quantin-Nataf, L. Pan, L. Mandon, and M. Volat. 2022. Insight into Martian Crater Degradation History Based on Crater Depth and Diameter Statistics. Icarus 377 (May): 114898. [link]
[18] Pan, L., C. Quantin-Nataf, L.Mandon, M. Martinot, and P. Beck. 2021. Spectral Endmember Variability on Hyperspectral Datasets of a Martian Meteorite —Implications for Planetary Surfaces. Icarus 370 (December):114656. [link]
[17] Knapmeyer-Endrun B., M. P. Panning et al. (incl. L. Pan), Thickness andstructure of the Martian crust from InSight seismic data, Science, 2021, 373, 6553, pp. 438-443, [link].
[16] Mandon L., P. Beck, C. Quantin-Nataf, E. Dehouck, A. Pommerol, Z. Yoldi, R.Cerubini, L.Pan, M. Martinot, J.-A. Barrat, B. Reynard, Martian meteorites reflectance and implications forin situ studies, Icarus,366, 114517, [link].
[15] Pan, L., J. Carter, C.Quantin-Nataf, M. Pineau, B. Chauvire, L. Le Deit, N. Mangold, B. Rondeau, V. Chevrier. Voluminous silica precipitation in late martian waters, Planetary Science Journal,(2021) 2 65, [link].
[14] Liu Z., Y. Liu, L. Pan, J. Zhao, Inverted channel belt to the East of Tempe Terra, Mars, and implications for persistent fluvial activity. Earthand Planetary Science Letters, (2021)562, 116854, [link].
[13] Mandon L., A. Parkes Bowen, C. Quantin-Nataf, J. C. Bridges, J. Carter, L. Pan, P. Beck, E. Dehouck, M. Volat, N. Thomas, G. Cremonese, L. L. Tornabene, Morphological and spectral diversity of the clay-bearing unit at the ExoMars landing site Oxia Planum, Astrobiology, 2021 21:4, 464-480., [link].
[12] Quantin-Nataf C., J. Carter, L. Mandon, P. Thollot, M. Balme, M. Volat,L. Pan, D.,Loizeau, C. Millot, S. Breton, E. Dehouck, P. Fawdon, S. Gupta, J. Davis, P.M. Grindrod, A. Pacifici, B. Bultel, P. Allemand, A. Ody, L. Lozach, J. Broyer, Oxia Planum – the landing site for the 2022 ExoMars “Rosalind Franklin” Rover Mission: geological context and pre-landing interpretation, Astrobiology, 2021, [link].
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[10] Pan, L., C. Quantin-Nataf, B.Tauzin, C. Michaut, M. Golombek, P. Lognonné, P. Grindrod, B. Langlais, T.Gudkova, I. Stepanova, S. Rodriguez, A. Lucas.(2020) Crust heterogeneities and structure in the first kilometers at the dichotomy boundary in western Elysium Planitia and Implications for InSight lander, Icarus, 338, [link].
[9] Lognonné, P., W. B. Banerdt, W. T. Pike, D.Giardini et al. (incl. L. Pan)(2020) Constraints on the shallow elastic and anelastic structure of Mars from InSight seismic data, Nature Geoscience, [link].
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书籍章节:《行星冰冻圈》 2021(主要参与第2章:太阳系的形成和水分的分布;第5章:火星冰冻圈)
科普文章:《太阳系里寻寻觅觅》2022 中国国家天文杂志 (作者:郝记华,夏蒙蒙,潘路)
科普文章:《荧荧之火的冰雪世界》 2021 微信公众号:化学星球