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Paper Publications

4. C Roden, J Gaillard, S Kanoria, W Rennie, S Barish, J Cheng, W Pan, J. Liu, C. Cotsapas, Y. Ding, J. Lu. Novel determinants of mammalian primary microRNA processing revealed by systematic evaluation of hairpin-containing transcripts and human genetic variation. Genome research (2017) 27 (3), 374-384.


Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2021-09-03

Pre One:5. J. Cheng, C. Roden, W. Pan, S. Zhu, A. Baccei, X. Pan, T. Jiang, Y. Kluger, S. Weissman, S. Guo, R.Flavell, Y. Ding, J. Lu. A Molecular Chipper technology for CRISPR sgRNA library generation and functional mapping of noncoding regions. Nature Communications. (2016) March 30; 7:11178.

Next One:3. J Liu, B Guo, Z Chen, N Wang, M Iacovino, J Cheng, C Roden, W Pan, S. Khan, S. Chen, M. Kyba, R. Fan, S. Guo, Jun Lu. miR-125b promotes MLL-AF9-driven murine acute myeloid leukemia involving a VEGFA-mediated non-cell-intrinsic mechanism. Blood. 2017.