Special Professor
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2021-09-03
Pre One:12.Pan,W., S.Zhu, M.Yuan, H.Cui, L.Wang, X.Luo, J.Li, H.Zhou, Y.Tang and N.Shen. MicroRNA-21 and microRNA-148a contribute to DNA hypomethylation in lupus CD4+ T cells by directly and indirectly targeting DNA methyltransferase1.2010. J Immunol.184:6773-6781.
Next One:4. C Roden, J Gaillard, S Kanoria, W Rennie, S Barish, J Cheng, W Pan, J. Liu, C. Cotsapas, Y. Ding, J. Lu. Novel determinants of mammalian primary microRNA processing revealed by systematic evaluation of hairpin-containing transcripts and human genetic variation. Genome research (2017) 27 (3), 374-384.