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产斯衍同学在Applied Energy期刊上发表论文<Comparative analysis of switchable natural cooling methods for efficient thermal management in photovoltaic/thermal collectors>! 陈俊杰同学在Energy期刊上发表论文< Numerical study of a solar district heating system with photovoltaic-thermal collectors and pit thermal energy storage>! 李雪博士在Renewable Energy期刊上发表<Performance study of a vacuum photovoltaic/thermal collector with spectral selectivity>! 陈俊杰在Applied Thermal Engineering期刊发表论文<Numerical analysis of spectrally selective photovoltaic-thermal collectors coupled with pit thermal energy storage in solar district heating systems>! 陈肯同学在Advances in Applied Energy期刊发表论文<Scalable spectrally selective solar cell for highly efficient photovoltaic thermal conversion>! 李雪同学在Renewable Energy期刊发表论文<Heat loss and energy efficiency investigation of vacuum flat plate photovoltaic/thermal collectors>! 产斯衍同学在Renewable energy期刊发表论文<Seasonal heat regulation in photovoltaic/thermal collectors with switchable backplate technology: Experiments and simulations>! 章晗同学在International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies期刊发表论文<Preliminary analysis of a parabolic trough concentrating solar power system integrated with radiative cooling>! 胡天祥同学在Renewable Energy期刊发表论文<Thermal performance analysis of eccentric double-selective-coated parabolic trough receivers with flat upper surface>! 赵斌老师在Nanophotonics期刊发表论文<Superhydrophobic bilayer coating for passive daytime radiative cooling>!
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