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生命科学与医学部 王剑
生命科学与医学部 王剑
  1. Naghavian R, Faigle W, Oldrati P, Wang J, Toussaint NC, Qiu YH, Medici G, Wacker M, Freudenmann LK, Bonté PE et alMicrobial peptides activate tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes in glioblastomaNature 2023, 617(7962):807-817.

  2. Wang J, Weiss T, Neidert MC, Toussaint NC, Naghavian R, Selles Moreno C, Foege M, Tomas Ojer P, Medici G, Jelcic I et al: Vaccination with Designed Neopeptides Induces Intratumoral, Cross-reactive CD4+ T-cell Responses in Glioblastoma. Clin Cancer Res 2022, 28(24):5368-5382.

  3. Shuai Z, Zheng S, Wang K, Wang J*, Leung PSC, Xu B: Reestablish immune tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis. Front Immunol 2022, 13:1012868.

  4. Wang J, Jelcic I, Muhlenbruch L, Haunerdinger V, Toussaint NC, Zhao Y, Cruciani C, Faigle W, Naghavian R, Foege M et al: HLA-DR15 Molecules Jointly Shape an Autoreactive T Cell Repertoire in Multiple Sclerosis. Cell 2020, 183(5):1264-1281 e1220.

  5. Jelcic I, Al Nimer F, Wang J, Lentsch V, Planas R, Jelcic I, Madjovski A, Ruhrmann S, Faigle W, Frauenknecht K et al: Memory B Cells Activate Brain-Homing, Autoreactive CD4(+) T Cells in Multiple Sclerosis. Cell 2018, 175(1):85-100 e123.

  6. Huang C, Li F, Wang J*, Tian Z: Innate-like Lymphocytes and Innate Lymphoid Cells in Asthma. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol 2020, 59(3):359-370.

  7. Huang C, Wang J*, Zheng X, Chen Y, Wei H, Sun R, Tian Z: Activation of TLR Signaling in Sensitization-Recruited Inflammatory Monocytes Attenuates OVA-Induced Allergic Asthma. Front Immunol 2018, 9:2591.

  8. Huang C, Wang J*, Zheng X, Chen Y, Zhou R, Wei H, Sun R, Tian Z: Commensal bacteria aggravate allergic asthma via NLRP3/IL-1beta signaling in post-weaning mice. J Autoimmun 2018, 93:104-113.

  9. Li T, Wang J*, Wang Y, Chen Y, Wei H, Sun R, Tian Z: Respiratory Influenza Virus Infection Induces Memory-like Liver NK Cells in Mice. J Immunol 2017, 198(3):1242-1252.

  10. Wang J, Li F, Tian Z: Role of microbiota on lung homeostasis and diseases. Sci China Life Sci 2017, 60(12):1407-1415.

  11. Cao G, Wang J*, Zheng X, Wei H, Tian Z, Sun R: Tumor Therapeutics Work as Stress Inducers to Enhance Tumor Sensitivity to Natural Killer (NK) Cell Cytolysis by Up-regulating NKp30 Ligand B7-H6. J Biol Chem 2015, 290(50):29964-29973.   

  12. Wang J, Tian Z: How lung infection leads to gut injury. Oncotarget 2015, 6(40):42394-42395.

  13. Wang J, Li F, Wei H, Lian ZX, Sun R, Tian Z: Respiratory influenza virus infection induces intestinal immune injury via microbiota-mediated Th17 cell-dependent inflammation. J Exp Med 2014, 211(12):2397-2410.

  14. Wang J, Li F, Sun R, Gao X, Wei H, Tian Z: Klebsiella pneumoniae alleviates influenza-induced acute lung injury via limiting NK cell expansion. J Immunol 2014, 193(3):1133-1141.

  15. Wang J, Li F, Sun R, Gao X, Wei H, Li LJ, Tian Z: Bacterial colonization dampens influenza-mediated acute lung injury via induction of M2 alveolar macrophages. Nat Commun 2013, 4:2106.

  16. Wang J, Li F, Zheng M, Sun R, Wei H, Tian Z: Lung natural killer cells in mice: phenotype and response to respiratory infection. Immunology 2012, 137(1):37-47.

(*: Co-corresponding author)