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- 最新论文成果见实验室网页:http://membrane.ustc.edu.cn/2021/list.htm.
- 论文地址:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-8180-2016.
- Shehzad, M. A.#; Wang, Y. M.#; Yasmin, A.; Ge, X. L.; He, Y. B.; Liang, X.; Zhu, Y.; Hu, M.; Xiao, X. L.; Ge, L.; Jiang, C. X.; Yang, Z. J.; Guiver, M. D.*; Wu, L.*; Xu, T. W.*, Biomimetic Nanocones that Enable High Ion Permselectivity. Angew Chem Int Edit 2019, 58 (36), 12646-12654..
- Liang, X.; Shehzad, M. A.; Zhu, Y.; Wang, L. Q.; Ge, X. L.; Zhang, J. J.; Yang, Z. J.; Wu, L.*; Varcoe, J. R.; Xu, T. W.*, Ionomer Cross-Linking Immobilization of Catalyst Nanoparticles for High Performance Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cells. Chem Mater2019, 31 (19), 7812-7820..
- Ge, X. L.; He, Y. B.; Liang, X.; Wu, L.*; Zhu, Y.; Yang, Z. J.*; Hu, M.; Xu, T. W.*, Thermally triggered polyrotaxane translational motion helps proton transfer. Nat Commun2018,9:2297..
- Zhu, Y.; Ding, L.; Liang, X.; Shehzad, M. A.; Wang, L.; Ge, X.; He, Y.; Wu, L.*; Varcoe, J. R.; Xu, T.*, Beneficial use of rotatable-spacer side-chains in alkaline anion exchange membranes for fuel cells. Energy Environ Sci 2018,11 (12), 3472-3479..
- Ge, X. L.; He, Y. B.; Guiver, M. D.; Wu, L.*; Ran, J.; Yang, Z. J.; Xu, T. W.*, Alkaline Anion-Exchange Membranes Containing Mobile Ion Shuttles. Adv Mater 2016,28 (18), 3467.
- 吴亮,吴亮.Anionic quaternary ammonium fluorous copolymers bearing thermo-responsive grafts for fuel cells.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2014,39(17):9387-9396.
- 吴亮.In-situ crosslinking of anion exchange membrane bearing unsaturated moieties for electrodialysis.SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY,2015,156226-233.
- 吴亮.Preparation of diffusion dialysis membrane for acid recovery via a phase-inversion method.MEMBRANE WATER TREATMENT,2015,6(5):365-378.
- 吴亮,吴亮.Advances in proton-exchange membranes for fuel cells: an overview on proton conductive channels (PCCs).PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2012,15(14):4870-4887.
- 吴亮,吴亮.One-pot preparation of anion exchange membranes from bromomethylated poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) for electrodialysis.CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE,2015,135526-531.
- 吴亮.Diffusion dialysis membranes with semi-interpenetrating network for alkali recovery.JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2014,45118-23.
- 吴亮,吴亮.Thermal crosslinking of an alkaline anion exchange membrane bearing unsaturated side chains.JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE,2015,4901-8.
- 吴亮,吴亮.Ionically Cross-Linked Proton Conducting Membranes for Fuel Cells.FUEL CELLS,2015,15(1):189-195.