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- 1.Ran Tu, Qiyuan Xie, Jianxin Yi, Kang Li, Xuejin Zhou and Xi Jiang,An experimental study on the leakage process of high pressure CO2 from a pipeline transportsystem, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 4(6):777–784 (2014).2021,
- 2.Xie Qiyuan, Tu Ran, Jiang Xi, Li Kang and Zhou Xuejin,The Leakage Behavior of Supercritical CO2 Flow in an Experimental Pipeline System,Applied Energy, 130:574-580 (2014).2021,
- 3.Xie Qiyuan*, Tu Ran, Wang Nan, Ma Xin and Jiang Xi,Experimental Study on Flowing Burning Behaviors of a Pool Fire with Dripping of MeltedThermoplastics, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 267: 48–54 (2014).2021,
- 4.Qiyuan Xie*, Qing Li, Thomas Plocher and Isaac Papier.Experimental Study on the Time-dependent Smoke Densities at 39 Locations in a Multi-floorBuilding through a Digital Smoke Detector System, Fire and Materials, 38(5): 507-528 (2014).2021,
- 5.Li Kang, Zhou Xuejin, Tu Ran, Xie Qiyuan and Jiang Xi,The Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Supercritical CO2 Leakage from a Pipeline,Energy, 71:665-672 (2014).2021,
- 6.Wang Nan, Tu Ran, Ma Xin, Xie Qiyuan* and Xi Jiang,Melting Behavior of Typical Thermoplastic Materials – An Experimental and Chemical KineticsStudy, Journal of Hazardous Material, 262: 9-15 (2013).2021,
- 谢启源 ,张志刚,一种可插入密实棉包内部的点式灼热引火源模拟装置,201921190097.1,
- 谢启源 ,陈红,一种高压电力电缆线芯升温控制及内外温度场耦合演化机理研究平台,201920459240.6,
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- 谢启源 ,陈红,一种高压电力电缆线芯升温控制及内外温度场耦合演化机理研究平台,201910274624.5,2019/07/05,
- 谢启源 ,雷晴晴,一种穿透气流可调的粒状活性炭堆垛燃烧性能测试平台,201820370886.2,2019/01/01,2019/01/01.
- 谢启源 ,高萌,磷化氢气体熏蒸环境下粮食多因素耦合引燃机理研究实验平台,201811201347.7,2019/01/25,
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- 熔流液火焰诱发的热塑性材料向下火蔓延加速机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,执行期:2015.1-2018.12,
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- 室内典型布艺窗帘竖直火蔓延特性研究:高等学校优秀青年人才基金项目(重点),主持,执行期:2009.1-2011.12。,