- Professor
- Name (Pinyin):xuxiaoliang
- E-Mail:
- Contact Information:63607574
- Degree:Dr
- Professional Title:Professor
- Teacher College:Physical Sciences

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- Paper Publications
- Xu X L, Hao L Y, Xu K Z, Yang B X, and Liu C R. Cathodoluminescence spectra of interband transitions in monocrystalline germanium,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter5,L587(1993).(SCI, f=2.045).
- L Y Hao, B X Yang, K Z Xu and X L Xu, Emission spectrum of silicon in the region of anomalous dispersion. Phys.Rev.B.47(20),13320(1993).(SCI, f=3.50).
- Xu X L, Zhu L X, S Fung, Liu C R, Hao L Y and Xu K Z. Cathodoluminescence spectra of OPA film on Ge(111). J. Phys.: Condens.Matter6,L527(1994). (SCI, f=2.045).
- Xu X L, Hao L Y, Xu K Z, Chen T P and S Fung. Cathodoluminescence from interband transitions in germanium (111) and gallium arsenide crystals. Phys.Rev.B, 52(3)1452(1995).(SCI, f=3.50).
- Xu X L,Zhu L X, Chen T P, and S Fung. Optical properties of interband transitions in the OPA film on GaAs (100). Phys.Stat.Soli.(b)192, 217(1995).(SCI, f=1.43).
- Xu X L,Zhu L X, Chen T P, S Fung, and Li S M. Optical transitions in germanium dioxide. Thin Solid Films283, 230(1996).(0/3)(SCI, f=2.06).
- S Fung, Xu XL, Zhao YW. Ga/Al interdiffusion between n-GaN and sapphire.J.Appl.Phys. 84(4), 2355 (1998).(SCI, f=2.43).
- Zhao YW, Xu XL, Gong M, S Fung, CD Being. Formation of PIn defect in annealed liquid-encapsulated Czochralski InP. Appl.Phys.Lett.72(17), 2126 (1998).(SCI, f=4.30).
- S Fung, Zhao YW, CD Being, Xu XL. Compensation ratio-dependent of a VInH4 complex in n-type liquid encapsulated Czochralski InP. Appl.Phys.Lett.73 (9),1275 (1998).(SCI,f=4.30).
- Li SM, Xu XL, Liu YY, Zhou ZF, Chen J., Dressing modification in the Laser-assisted proton-helium change exchange collision. Euro.Phys.J.D.2,237 (1998).(SCI, f=2.20).