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  • Members of Teaching Group:许小冶、罗希望;陈哲、韩奕文

  • Course Introduction:The main contents in this course are quantum properties of optical field and quantum properties of interaction between optical filed and matter. The detailed contents are shown in the following. Quantization of optical filed, including quantization of free electromagnetic fileds, coherent and squeezed states and quantum distribution theory. Quantum theory of interference and coherence. Quantum theory and semiclassical theory of atom-field interaction. Quantum theory for treatment of open system

  • Venue:第五教学楼

  • Schedule:第1-16周 周二1,2;周四6,7,8

  • Testing Method:闭卷

  • Teacher:许小冶、罗希望

  • Class classroom:5404

  • School Year:2022-2023

  • Semester:Spring Term

  • Course number:PHYS5255P.02

  • Credits:4.0

  • Course Type:Postgraduate Course:

  • Top-Quality Courses or Not:no

  • Maximum Number of Students:58

  • Required Class Hours:80.0

  • Courses and reference books:Quantum Optics 第2版 M. O. Scully 世界图书出版公司

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