Applied Research of Quantum Information Based on Linear Optics
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Faculty/School:University of Science and Technology of China
Teaching and Research Group:Optics
Place of Publication:Berlin, Heidelberg
Description of Publication:This thesis reports on outstanding work in two main subfields of quantum information science: one involves the quantum measurement problem, and the other concerns quantum simulation. The thesis proposes using a polarization-based displaced Sagnac-type interferometer to achieve partial collapse measurement and its reversal, and presents the first experimental verification of the nonlocality of the partial collapse measurement and its reversal. All of the experiments are carried out in the linear optical system, one of the earliest experimental systems to employ quantum communication and quantum information processing. The thesis argues that quantum measurement can yield quantum entanglement recovery, which is demonstrated by using the frequency freedom to simulate the environment. Based on the weak measurement theory, the author proposes that white light can be used to precisely estimate phase, and effectively demonstrates that the imaginary part of the weak value can be introduced ...
School Sign:University of Science and Technology of China
The First Author:Xiao-Ye Xu
Type of Works:Thesis
Publication Design:Foreign (overseas) publishing house
ISBN No.:978-3-662-57035-7
Translated or Not:yes
Date of Publication:2016-03-31
Applied Research of Quantum Information Based on Linear Optics (Cover).pdf