- 易为.Topological Fulde-Ferrell states in alkaline-earth-metal-like atoms near an orbital Feshbach resonance.PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2017,95(4):
- 易为,易为.Molecule and Polaron in a Highly Polarized Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas with Spin-Orbit Coupling.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,2012,109(14):
- 易为.Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice with Raman-assisted two-dimensional spin-orbit coupling.PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2016,94(4):
- 易为,易为.Pairing superfluidity in spin-orbit coupled ultracold Fermi gases.SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2014,58(1):
- 易为.Dynamical topological invariants and reduced rate functions for dynamical quantum phase transitions in two dimensions.PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2018,98(2):
- 易为.Quench dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate under synthetic spin-orbit coupling.PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2016,93(5):
- 易为,易为.Polarons in ultracold Fermi superfluids.PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2015,92(1):