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  • 盛英明 ( Associate professor )

    My personal homepage http://faculty.ustc.edu.cn/ymsaint/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   Associate professor   Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Scientific Research Current position: profile >> Scientific Research


1. Detection of the concentrations and associated effects of structural water in nominally anhydrous minerals; 2. Various kinds of volatile recycling in the deep earth; 3. fluid activities and associated geochemical effects during subduction-zone HP-UHP metamorphism; 4. characterization and microbeam geochemical analysis of minerals on the scale of microns. 

Representative publications:

Khan, S.H., Sheng, Y.-M.*, Critelli, S., Civitelli, M., Mughal, M.S., Basharat, U., 2024. Depositional and diagenetic controls on reservoir properties of the lower Cambrian Khewra Sandstone, eastern salt range, Sub-Himalaya, Pakistan. Marine and Petroleum Geology 161.

Khan, S.H., Sheng, Y.-M.*, Mughal, M.S., Singh, B.P., Khan, M.R., Zhang, C., 2022. Provenance of the Lower Cambrian Khewra Sandstone: Implications for Pan-African Orogeny. Sedimentary Geology 438, 106197.

Sheng, Y.-M., Gong, B., 2017. Hydrous species in eclogitic omphacite: Implication for metamorphic dehydration during exhumation. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 145, 123-129.

Sheng, Y.-M., Gong, B., Li, W.-C., Xia, M., 2016. Methodological progress in trace amounts of structural water in nominally anhydrous minerals. Science China Earth Sciences 59, 901-909.

Sheng, Y.-M., Zheng, Y.-F., 2013. Both physical transport of protolith zircon and chemical transfer of fluid-immobile elements during continental deep subduction-zone metamorphic fluid action. Chinese Science Bulletin 58, 2222–2226.

Sheng, Y.-M., Zheng, Y.-F., Li, S.-N., Hu, Z.C., 2013. Element mobility during continental collision: insights from polymineralic metamorphic vein within UHP eclogite in the Dabie orogen. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 31, 221-241.

Sheng, Y.-M., Zheng, Y.-F., Chen, R.-X., Li, Q., Dai, M., 2012. Fluid action on zircon growth and recrystallization during quartz veining within UHP eclogite: Insights from U-Pb ages, O-Hf isotopes and trace elements. Lithos 136-139, 126-144.

Sheng, Y.-M., Xia, Q.-K., Dallai, L., Yang, X.-Z., Hao, Y.-T., 2007a. H2O contents and D/H ratios of nominally anhydrous minerals from ultrahigh-pressure eclogites of the Dabie orogen, eastern China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, 2079-2103.

Sheng, Y.M., Xia, Q.K., Yang, X.Z., 2004b. Heterogeneity of water in UHP eclogites from Bixiling in Dabieshan: Evidence from garnet. Chinese Science Bulletin 49, 481-486.

Xia, Q.-K., Sheng, Y.-M., Yang, X.-Z., Yu, H.-M., 2005. Heterogeneity of water in garnets from UHP eclogites, eastern Dabieshan, China. Chemical Geology 224, 237-246.

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