Zheng Jinjin
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Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
MORE+- [1]1、Yu Wang, Jinjin Zheng, Hongjun Zhou, Lianguan Shen (2008). Medical Image Processing by Denoising and Contour Extraction. ICIA2008, 618-623. EI收录.
- [2]2、Mujun Li, Lianguan Shen, Jinjin Zheng, Wei Zhao, Liting Liu(2008). Simulation and Pattern Distortion Analysis ofUV-LIGA Based on the Partial CoherentLight Theory. ICIA2008, 1508-1513. EI收录.
- [3]3、P P Sun1, Jin Jin Zheng1#, H J Zhou2, L G Shen (2008). 3D B-Spline Surface Reconstruction Based onthe Contour Information . ICIA2008, 1697-1702. EI收录.
- [4]4、Z Y Sheng1,Jin Jin Zheng1#, H J Zhou2, W H Huang1, L G Sheng (2008). Finite Element Analysis about Solar Sail. ICIA2008, 1691-1696. EI收录.
- [5]5、李木军,沈连婠郑津津等(2007). 接近式光刻图形失真的部分相干光理论分析. 纳米技术与精密工程 5(3): 224-229。EI收录号074510909713.
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