个人信息Personal Information
电子邮箱: yfzheng@ustc.edu.cn
- 主编《化学地球动力学》(科学出版社,北京,1999).
- 编著《稳定同位素地球化学》(科学出版社,北京,2000).
- 独立或作为第一作者在国际SCI刊物上发表论文190余篇,部分论文已经被Nature和Science等国际SCI刊物他人引用达8000余次(ISI论文引用排名榜进入世界地球科学家前50名).
- 郑永飞,郑永飞.Processes in continental collision zones: Preface.LITHOS,2012,1361-9.
- 郑永飞.A geochemical framework for retrieving the linked depositional and diagenetic histories of marine carbonates.EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS,2017,460213-221.
- 郑永飞,郑永飞.The timing of continental collision between Indian and Asia.SCIENCE BULLETIN,2018,63(24):1649-1654.
- 郑永飞,郑永飞.Mesozoic mafic magmatism in North China: Implications for thinning and destruction of cratonic lithosphere.SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES,2018,61(4):353-385.
- 郑永飞,郑永飞.Introduction to tectonics of China.GONDWANA RESEARCH,2013,23(4):1189-1206.
- 郑永飞,郑永飞.Regional metamorphism at extreme conditions: Implications for orogeny at convergent plate margins.JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES,2017,14546-73.
- 郑永飞,郑永飞.Introduction to the structures and processes of subduction zones.JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES,2017,1451-15.
- 郑永飞,郑永飞.Continental versus oceanic subduction zones.NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW,2016,3(4):495-519.
- 郑永飞,郑永飞.Developing plate tectonics theory from oceanic subduction zones to collisional orogens.SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES,2015,58(7):1045-1069.
- 郑永飞,郑永飞.The transport of water in subduction zones.SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES,2016,59(4):651-682.
- 郑永飞,郑永飞.Oxygen isotope fractionation in double carbonates.ISOTOPES IN ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH STUDIES,2016,52(1-2):29-46.
- 郑永飞,郑永飞.Continental subduction channel processes: Plate interface interaction during continental collision.CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN,2013,58(35):4371-4377.