个人信息Personal Information
办公地点:东校区物质楼C座1101室 (彭桓武高能基础理论研究中心)
联系方式:+86(0)551 6360 7211
毕业院校:University of Nottingham, UK
研究生:谢启鑫 徐豪 张郭栋 万诗林 洪东宇 聂文凯 王卓辉 常福明
本科生:谭佳郡 何畅 高鹤宇 孟昕 徐嘉路
欢迎加入本课题组,请 Email 联系: zhoushy@ustc.edu.cn
毕业硕士生:王宇佳 (微软), 寇枭枭 (美国明尼苏达大学)
毕业本科生:王一杰 (美国麻省理工学院), 杜宗哲 (英国诺丁汉大学), 吴同 (美国匹兹堡大学), 王梓越 (美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校), 孙学 (美国约翰霍普金斯大学), 徐九赐 (美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校), 黄雨欣 (日本东京大学), 李淳浩 (英国剑桥大学)
2023.12 Congraudations to Qi-Xin Xie for having won the National Graduate Scholarship Award (研究生国家奖学金) from USTC.
2023.11 Congraudations to Hao Xu for having published a paper in JCAP titled: Triple crossing positivity bounds, mass dependence and cosmological scalars: Horndeski theory and DHOST .
2023.10 Congraudations to Dong-Yu Hong and Zhuo-Hui Wang for having published a paper in JHEP titled: Causality bounds on scalar-tensor EFTs .
2023.09 Congraudations to Qi-Xin Xie for having published a paper in PRL titled: Q-ball superradiance .
2023.09 Congraudations to Yi-Jie Wang and Qi-Xin Xie for having published a paper in PRD titled: Excited oscillons: Cascading levels and higher multipoles .
2022.07 Congraudations to Si-Yuan Hou and Qi-Xin Xie for having published a paper in JHEP titled: Charge-swapping Q-balls in a logarithmic potential and Affleck-Dine condensate fragmentation .
2020.12 Congraudations to Xiao-Xiao Kou for having published a paper in PRD titled: Gravitational waves from fully general relativistic oscillon preheating .
2021.12 Congraudations to undergratuate Zong-Zhe Du for having published a paper in JHEP titled: Triple crossing positivity bounds for multi-field theories .
2021.09 Congraudations to Hao Xu for having published a paper in PRL titled: Positivity in Multifield Effective Field Theories .
2021.07 Congraudations to Qi-Xin Xie for having published a paper in JHEP titled: Charge-Swapping Q-balls and Their Lifetimes .
2021.05 Congraudations to undergratuate Zi-Yue Wang for having published a paper in JHEP titled: New positivity bounds from full crossing symmetry .
2021.03 Congraudations to undergratuate Zi-Yue Wang for having published a paper in JHEP titled: Generalized elastic positivity bounds on interacting massive spin-2 theories .
2020.12 Congraudations to Xiao-Xiao Kou for having published a paper in CQG titled: Oscillon preheating in full general relativity .
2020.07 Congraudations to Yu-Jia Wang for having published a paper in JHEP titled: Generalized positivity bounds on chiral perturbation theory .
2020.02 Congraudations to undergraduate Xue Sun for having published a paper in PRD titled: Relativistic stars in mass-varying massive gravity .
2020.01 Congraudations to undergraduates Yu-Xin Huang and Jiu-Ci Xu for having published a paper in PRD titled: Fredholm approach to characterize gravitational wave echoes .
2019.11 Congraudations to Jiu-Ci Xu on winning the prestigious Guo Moruo Scholarship Award (郭沫若奖学金) from USTC.
2019.05 Congraudations to undergraduate Chunhao Li for having published a paper in JCAP titled: Well-Tempered Cosmology .