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Full list of publications

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=y9iYQDYAAAAJ

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wei-Feng-66

Selected publications: 

(1) Wei Feng, Dirk J Broer, Danqing Liu*. Oscillating chiralnematic fingerprints wipe away dust. Advanced Materials 2018, 30 (11), 1704970. (NASA 邀请合作开发无水清洁涂层)

(2) Wei Feng, Liangyong Chu, Matthijn B de Rooij, Danqing Liu*, Dirk J Broer*. Photoswitching between WaterTolerant Adhesion and Swift Release by Inverting Liquid Crystal Fingerprint Topography. Advanced Science 2021, 8 (8), 2004051.

(3) Wei Feng, Dirk J Broer, Danqing Liu*. Combined light and electric response of topographic liquid crystal network surfaces. Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30 (2), 1901681.

(4) Jiaqing He, Qiang Zhou, Zhiqing Ge, Shunfeng Jiang, Jiahe Li, Wei Feng*, Haiyang Yang*. pH-Gated Switch of LCST-UCST Phase Transition of Hydrogels. Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 34 (42), 2404341.

(5) Wei Feng, Aniket Pal, Tianlu Wang, Ziyu Ren, Yingbo Yan, Yanqing Lu, Huai Yang, Metin Sitti*. Cholesteric liquid crystal polymeric coatings for colorful artificial muscles and motile humidity sensor skin integrated with magnetic composites. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33 (23), 2300731.

(6) Wei Feng,* Qiguang He*, Li Zhang*. Embedded Physical Intelligence in Liquid Crystalline Polymer Actuators and Robots. Advanced Materials 2024, 2312313.  

(7) Hao Wu, Yiyu Chen, Wenlong Xu, Chen Xin, Tao Wu, Wei Feng, Hao Yu, Chao Chen, Shaojun Jiang, Yachao Zhang, Xiaojie Wang, Minghui Duan, Cong Zhang, Shunli Liu, Dawei Wang, Yanlei Hu, Jiawen Li, Erqiang Li, HengAn Wu, Jiaru Chu, Dong Wu*. High-performance Marangoni hydrogel rotors with asymmetric porosity and drag reduction profile. Nature Communications 2023, 14 (1), 20.

(8) Wei Feng, Danqing Liu*, Dirk J. Broer*. Functional Liquid Crystal Polymer Surfaces with Switchable Topographies. Small Structures 2020, 2 (1), 2000107.

(9) Wei Feng, Dirk J Broer, Lucie Grebikova, Clemens Padberg, Julius G Vancso, Danqing Liu*. Static and dynamic control of fingerprint landscapes of liquid crystal network coatings. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 12 (5), 5265-5273.

(10) 冯伟*. 基于液晶聚合物的功能性涂层[J]. 《液晶与显示》, 2025, 40(2), 272-283.(受邀论文)[html]