秦进 (副教授)
网上零售服务可靠性维度的探索性研究, 工业工程与管理, 2012, 17(2): 73-78.
CEO influence on P2P platform survival: Education and experience do matter!, Managerial and Decision Economics, 2020, 42(3): 622-634.
The Five Dimensions of E-tailing Service Reliability, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 2015, 9(1): 83-92.
考虑拥堵情形的污染路径问题及其求解算法, 人大复印报刊资料-管理科学, 2018, 2018(9): 120-129.
To overstate or not: how to describe new products online for e-tailers considering full return policy, International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2014, 13(2): 174-191.
网络零售服务可靠性五维度对顾客忠诚的影响——基于顾客满意与顾客信任的视角, 西北工业大学学报(社会科学版), 2014, 34(2): 38-45.
Determinants of consumers’ attitudes toward mobile advertising: The mediating roles of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, Computers in Human Behavior, 2016, 63: 334-341.
U形还是线性--网络情景下服务补救对口碑传播的影响研究, 营销科学学报, 2015, 11(4): 91-103.
Coordinating an Extended Warranty Supply Chain under Increasing, Constant and Decreasing Product Failure Rates, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2020, 29(5): 609-628.
考虑拥堵情形的污染路径问题及其求解算法, 工业工程与管理, 2018, 23(2): 23-32.
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