Zong-Quan Zhou


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Quantum repeater based on solid-state quantum memories

A scalable quantum repeater based on entangled photons and solid-state quantum memories.


Heralded entanglement distribution between two absorptive quantum memories. Nature 594, 41 (2021)

On-Demand Storage of Photonic Qubits at Telecom Wavelengths Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 210501 (2022)

Solid-state quantum memory for hybrid entanglement involving three degrees of freedom Phys. Rev. A 101, 052330 (2020)

Storage of telecom-C-band heralded single photons with orbital-angular-momentum encoding in a crystal. Science Bulletin 64, 1577 (2019)

Multiplexed storage and real-time manipulation based on a multiple degree-of-freedom quantum memory. Nature Communications 9, 3407 (2018)