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    • 特任教授 博士生导师
    • 职务:近代力学系教学主任
    • 办公地点:中科大西校区力一楼319
    • 联系方式:gongze@ustc.edu.cn
    • 学位:博士
    • 毕业院校:香港大学








      细胞能够感知和响应细胞周围微环境(外基质)的硬度、粘弹性等力学属性,这一细胞力学感应现象在肿瘤形成、伤口愈合和组织纤维化等生理和病理过程中起到重要作用,该方向也是生物力学和力学生物学前沿研究领域。实验表明绝大部分外基质呈现粘弹性等耗散力学属性, 并且基质的粘弹性等力学特性可以调控干细胞的分化、细胞铺展以及迁移。我们课题组主要通过构建细胞力学感应的力学生物学模型,结合细胞生化实验和制备可调控粘弹性水凝胶,探究外基质的粘弹性、塑性等非线性力学特性对细胞的影响。我们研究旨在揭示此前未被充分认识的外基质耗散力学特性对细胞动态行为影响,为生物软材料设计和优化提供了新思路和理论支持。


      Z. Gong, et al., PNAS, 2018; Z. Gong, et al, Cell Rep., 2021; K. Adebowale, Z. Gong, et al., Nat. Mater., 2021; K Mandal, Z Gong, et al., Biomater. Sci., 2020;





      Z. Gong, et al., Nat. Commun, 2023Z. Gong, et al., Cell Rep., 2021; L Yang, Z Gong, et al., Adv. Func. Mater., 2017P Pakshir, et al., Nat. Commun, 2019





      Z. Gong, et al., Soft Matter.,2019 (封面) ; Z. Gong*, et al., Extreme Mech. Lett., 2020; Z. Gong, et al., J. Appl. Phys.,2016; H. Liu, C. Fang, Z. Gong, et al., Biophys. J., 2020;



      [1] J. Xing, F. Sun, Y. Lin*, Z. Gong*A chemo-mechanical model for growth and mechanosensing of focal adhesion, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 193, 105863,(2024)

      [2] R. Xue, Y. Chen, Z. Gong*, H. Jiang*, Superposition of Substrate Deformation Fields Induced by Molecular Clutches Explains Cell Spatial Sensing of Ligands, ACS nano, 18 (32), 21144-21155,(2024)

      [3] Z. Gong, K. van den Dries, R.A. Migueles-Ramírez, P.W. Wiseman, A. Cambi, V.B. Shenoy*. Chemo-mechanical Diffusion Waves Explain Collective Dynamics of Immune Cell Podosomes. Nature Communications, 14, 2902, (2023)

                  Faculty Opinion: Recommendation of the Article: Facultyopinions.com/article/742656105

      [4] K. Adebowale, Z. Gong, J. Hou, K.M. Wisdom, D. Garbett, H. Lee, S. Nam, T. Meyer, D. Odde, V.B. Shenoy, O. Chaudhuri*. Enhanced substrate stress relaxation promotes filopodia-mediated cell migration. Nature Materials, 20, 1290–1299, (2021).

                 Stanford News: Stanford Study reveals a unique mode of cell migration on soft 'viscoelastic' surfaces

      [5] Z. Gong, K.M. Wisdom, E. McEvoy, J. Chang, K. Adebowale, C.C. Price, O. Chaudhuri, V.B. Shenoy*. Recursive Feedback between Matrix Dissipation and Chemo-mechanical Signaling Drives Oscillatory Growth of Cancer Cell Invadopodia. Cell Reports, 35 (4) 190947, (2021).

      [6] F. Alisafaei#, Z. Gong#, V. Johnson, J. Dolle, D. Smith, V. B. Shenoy*. Mechanisms of Local Stress Amplification in Axons Near the Gray-White Matter Interface. Biophysical Journal, 119 (7), 1290-1300, (2020).

                 New and Notable: Multiscale mechanobiology of brain injury: axonal strain redistribution

      [7] Z. Gong*, C. Fang, R. You, X. Shao, R. C.C. Chang, Y. Lin*. Forced Peeling and Relaxation of Neurite Governed by Rate-Dependent Adhesion and Cellular Viscoelasticity, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 40, 100902, (2020).

      [8] Z. Gong#, C. Fang#, R. You, X. Shao, X. Wei, R.C.C. Chang and Y. Lin*. Distinct Relaxation Timescales of Neurites Revealed by Indentation under Different Loading Modes. Soft Matter, 15 (2), 166-174, (2019). (Front Cover)

      [9] Z. Gong, S.E. Szczesny, S.R. Caliari, E.E. Charrier, O. Chaudhuri, X. Cao, Y. Lin*, R.L. Mauck, P.A. Janmey, J.A. Burdick and V.B. Shenoy*. Matching Material and Cellular Timescales Maximizes Cell Spreading on Viscoelastic Substrates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 115 (12), E2686-E2695, (2018).

                Penn News: Penn Researchers Show that Cells' Perception of Stiffness is a Matter of Time

                HKU News: HKU scientists reveal how material viscosity modulates living cells behavior and functioning

      [10] Z. Gong#, R. You#, R.C.-C. Chang, Y. Lin*, Viscoelastic Response of Neural Cells Governed by the Deposition of Amyloid-β Peptides (Aβ), Journal of Applied Physics, 119(21) 214701, (2016). 


      [1] L. Yang*, Z. Gong, Y. Lin*, V. Chinthapenta, Q. Li, T. J. Webster and B.W. Sheldon*. Disordered Topography Mediates Filopodial Extension and Morphology of Cells on Stiff Materials. Advanced Functional Materials, 27, 1702689, (2017).

      [2] K. Mandal*, Z. Gong, A. Rylander, V.B. Shenoy, P.A. Janmey*. Opposite Responses of Normal Hepatocytes and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells to Substrate Viscoelasticity, Biomaterials Science, 8, 1316-1328, (2020).

      [3] B. Chong, Z. Gong, Y. Lin*, Modeling the Adhesive Contact between Cells and a Wavy Extracellular Matrix Mediated by Receptor-Ligand Interactions, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME, 84 (1), (2017).

      [4] Q. Zhang, D. Lee, L. Zheng, X. Ma, S. I. Meyer, L. He, H. Ye, Z. Gong, B. Zhen, K. Lai, A. C. Johnson, Gigahertz topological valley Hall effect in nanoelectromechanical phononic crystals, Nature Electronics, 5 (3), 157-163, (2022). 

      [5] P. Pakshir, M. Alizadehgiashi, B. Wong, N. M. Coelho, X. Chen, Z. Gong, V. B. Shenoy, C. McCulloch and B. Hinz*. Dynamic Fibroblast Contractions Attract Remote Macrophages in Fibrillar Collagen Matrix. Nature Communication, 10 (1), 1850, (2019).

      [6] H. Liu#, C. Fang#, Z Gong, R.C.C. Chang, J. Qian, H. Gao*, Y. Lin*, Fundamental Characteristics of Neuron Adhesion Revealed by Forced Peeling and Time-Dependent Healing. Biophysical Journal, 118 (8), 1811-1819, (2020).

      [7] X. Shao, R. You, T. H. Hui, C. Fang, Z. Gong, Z. Yan, R.C.C. Chang, V. B. Shenoy*, Y. Lin*. Tension and Adhesion Regulated Retraction of Injured Axons. Biophysical Journal, 117, 193-202, (2019)


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