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教师英文名称:Tianxi Jiang
1. 基于超常结构波动信息编码的振动/噪声计算感知
[1] T. Jiang, C. Li, Q. He*, and Z. K. Peng, Randomized resonant metamaterials for single-sensor identification of elastic vibrations, Nature Communications, 11: 2353 (2020).
[2] T. Jiang*, T. Zhou, X. Wang, T. Li, H. Jin, S. Zhang*, Z. K. Peng, and Q. He*, Spatial coding metastructure for single-sensor impact region recognition, Smart Materials and Structures, 33: 105041 (2024).
[3] X. Liao#, T. Jiang#, C. Li, X. Yu, Z. Peng, and Q. He*, Spatial vibration modulation assisted blade damage localization for industrial quadrotor UAVs, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 71(2): 2018 (2024).
[4] C. Li, T. Jiang, Q. He*, and Z. Peng, Smart metasurface shaft for vibration source identification with a single sensor, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 493: 115836 (2021).
[1] T. Jiang, Q. He*, and Z. K. Peng, Proposal for the realization of a single-detector acoustic camera using a space-coiling anisotropic metamaterial, Physical Review Applied, 11(3): 034013 (2019).
[2] T. Jiang, Q. He*, and Z. K. Peng, Enhanced directional acoustic sensing with phononic crystal cavity resonance, Applied Physics Letters, 112(26): 261902 (2018).
[3] L. Wang, W. Li, Z. Huang, T. Jiang*, and F. Ma*, A Nautilus bionic multi-information fusion compressed-sensing acoustic imaging device, Cell Reports Physical Science, 4(12): 101733 (2023).
[4] L. Wang, Y. Liu, P. Du, T. Jiang*, and F. Ma*, A Tai Chi acoustic metamaterial for low-dimensional joint compressive sensing and simultaneously azimuth-distance location, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 224(1): 112228 (2025).
[1] T. Jiang#, X. Liao#, H. Huang, Z. K. Peng, and Q. He*, Scattering-coded architectured boundary for computational sensing of elastic waves, Cell Reports Physical Science, 3(6):100918 (2022).
2. 主动超材料振动噪声控制
[1] T. Jiang and Q. He*, Dual-directionally tunable metamaterial for low-frequency vibration isolation, Applied Physics Letters, 110(2): 021907 (2017).
[2] C. Li, T. Jiang, Q. He*, and Z. Peng, Stiffness-mass-coding metamaterial with broadband tunability for low-frequency vibration isolation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 489: 115685 (2020).
[3] Q. He* and T. Jiang, Complementary multi-mode low-frequency vibration energy harvesting with chiral piezoelectric structure, Applied Physics Letters, 110(21): 213901 (2017).
[4] P. Jiang, T. Jiang, and Q. He*, Origami-based adjustable sound-absorbing metamaterial, Smart Materials and Structures, 30(5): 057002 (2021).