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Wenxuan LIANG


Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Administrative Position:Tenure-track Associate Professor

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)


Academic Titles:Tenure-track Associate Professor

Other Post:Tenure-track Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering/Medical Physics

Alma Mater:Johns Hopkins University

Discipline:Biomedical Engineering

Honors and Titles

2010-05-22   Best Design Award (top 2%), the 2009-2010 Texas Instruments DSP Design Contest in China

2018-05-01   Phi Beta Kappa (ΦBK) Society

2019-03-01   Translational Fellows, Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS)


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Current position: Home >> Scientific Research >> Paper Publications
SHG fiberscopy assessment of collagen morphology and its potential for breast cancer optical histology


DOI number:10.1109/TBME.2024.3372629

Journal:IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering

Abstract:Objective: this study is to investigate the feasibility of our recently developed nonlinear fiberscope for label-free in situ breast tumor detection and lymph node status assessment based on second harmonic generation (SHG) imaging of fibrillar collagen matrix with histological details. The long-term goal is to improve the current biopsy-based cancer paradigm with reduced sampling errors. Methods: in this pilot study we undertook retrospective SHG imaging study of ex vivo invasive ductal carcinoma human biopsy tissue samples, and carried out quantitative image analysis to search for collagen structural signatures that are associated with the malignance of breast cancer. Results: SHG fiberscopy image-based quantitative assessment of collagen fiber morphology reveals that: 1) cancerous tissues contain generally less extracellular collagen fibers compared with tumor-adjacent normal tissues, and 2) collagen fibers in lymph node positive biopsies are more aligned than lymph node negative counterparts. Conclusion/Significance: the results demonstrate the promising potential of our SHG fiberscope for in situ breast tumor detection and lymph node involvement assessment and for offering real-time guidance during ongoing tissue biopsy.

First Author:Gunnsteinn Hall,Wenxuan Liang

Indexed by:Journal paper

Correspondence Author:Wenxuan Liang,Xingde Li



Page Number:2414-2420

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2024-03-04