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Wenxuan LIANG

Special Researcher

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Administrative Position:Tenure-track Associate Professor

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)


Academic Titles:Tenure-track Associate Professor

Other Post:Tenure-track Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering/Medical Physics

Alma Mater:Johns Hopkins University

Discipline:Biomedical Engineering

Honors and Titles

2010-05-22   Best Design Award (top 2%), the 2009-2010 Texas Instruments DSP Design Contest in China

2018-05-01   Phi Beta Kappa (ΦBK) Society

2019-03-01   Translational Fellows, Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS)


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Current position: Home >> Scientific Research
Research Field

    In vivo optical microscopy enables non-invasive visualization of (sub-)cellular structures and functional dynamics in live tissues and animal models, and has opened up numerous new opportunities in both fundamental biological research and clinical applications. Unlike traditional optical microscopes which target thin ex vivo tissue sections or cultured cells, to image thick, live tissue in situ impose two technical requirements: 1) optical sectioning capability for depth-resolved three-dimensional microscopy; and 2) adequate 4D spatiotemporal (3D space × 1D time) resolution to capture dynamic functional information in the presence of live sample motion.

    Our lab focuses on innovating optical microscopy technologies for various biomedical applications. In specific:


    A. The fast progress of generations of genetically-encoded calcium indicators (GECI) as well as the recently-developed genetically-encoded voltage indictor (GEVI) that can optically report neuronal voltage dynamics calls for ever faster 3D optical microscopy modalities with at least cellular-level spatial resolution. How to constantly improve the resolution, speed, field-of-view size, penetration depth via novel imaging principles is one future direction we focus on.


    B. In clinical scenarios such as non-invasive early diagnosis, biopsy guidance, surgery guidance, and follow-up treatments, a light-weight miniature imaging device (of high imaging performance of course) is highly desired. How to come up with ingenious optical and optomechanical designs and to create tailored compact/miniature handheld/endoscopic microscopy apparatuses that enable non-invasive acquisition of subepithelial 3D tissue structures in situ and in vivo—thereby affording histopathology-level visualization without tissue resection—is another priority direction in our lab.

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