The null controllability for a singular heat equation with variable coefficients
Impact Factor:1.1
DOI number:10.1080/00036811.2020.1769076
Journal:Applicable Analysis
Key Words:Singular heat equation; null controllability; Carleman estimate; observability
Abstract:The goal of this paper is to analyze control properties of the parabolic equation with variable coefficients in the principal part and with a singular inverse-square potential: ∂_tu(x, t) − div(p(x)∇u (x, t)) − (μ/|x|^2) u (x, t) = f (x, t). Here μ is a real constant. It was proved in the paper of Goldstein and Zhang (8) that the equation is well-posedness when 0 ≤ μ ≤ p_1(n − 2)^2/4, and in this paper, we mainly consider the case 0 ≤ μ<(p^2_1/p_2)(n −2)^2/4, where p_1, p_2 are two positive constants which satisfy: 0 < p_1 ≤ p(x) ≤ p_2, ∀ x ∈ Ω. We extend the specific Carleman estimates in the paper of Ervedoza [Control and stabilization properties for a singular heat equation with an inverse-square potential. Commun Partial Differ Equ. 2008;33:1996–2019] and Vancostenoble [Lipschitz stability in inverse source problems for singular parabolic equations. Commun Partial Differ Equ. 2011;36(8):1287–1317] to the system. We obtain that we can control the equation from any non-empty open subset as for the heat equation. Moreover, we will study the case μ > p_2(n − 2)^2/4. We consider a sequence of regularized potentials μ/(|x|^2 + ε^2), and prove that we cannot stabilize the corresponding systems uniformly with respect to ε> 0.
Co-author:Shumin Li
First Author:Xue Qin
Indexed by:Journal paper
Document Code:000537939600001
Discipline:Natural Science
Document Type:J
Page Number:1052-1076
ISSN No.:0003-6811
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2022-02-11
Included Journals:SCI
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