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  • Luoqin Liu ( 特任教授 )

    My personal homepage http://faculty.ustc.edu.cn/luoqinliu/zh_CN/index.htm

  •   特任教授   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates   Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Dr. Luoqin Liu is a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He received his Bachelor's degree from USTC in 2011 and his Ph.D. degree from Peking University (PKU) in 2016. From 2016 to 2021, he was engaged subsequently in postdoctoral research at PKU and University of Twente. In 2021, as a research professor, he joined the Multi-Scale Complex Flow Laboratory led by Prof. Xiyun Lu, a fellow of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2022, he was promoted as an assistant professor. 

Dr. Liu's main research areas are the theoretical and numerical simulations of atmospheric boundary layer, aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, wind turbines and wind farm flows. Up to now, he has published more than 40 papers in internationally renowned academic journals such as PNAS, PRL, and JFM. His work has been reported by many international media including Science News. He has won various awards and honors, such as the National Natural Science Fund for Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas), the High-level Talent Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the National Mechanics Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award.

Educational Experience
  • [1]. 2011.9 -- 2016.7

    Peking University       Fluid Mechanics       Postgraduate (Doctoral)       Doctoral Degree in Philosophy

  • [2]. 2007.9 -- 2011.7

    University of Science and Technology of China       Thermal Energy and Power Engineering       Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)       Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

Work Experience
  • [1]. 2022.12 -- Now

    University of Science and Technology of China      School of Engineering Science      Assistant Professor

  • [2]. 2021.12 -- 2022.11

    University of Science and Technology of China      School of Engineering Science      Research Professor

  • [3]. 2018.6 -- 2021.11

    University of Twente      Physics of Fluids Group      Postdoc

  • [4]. 2016.7 -- 2018.5

    Peking University      Center for Applied Physics and Technology      Postdoc

Social Affiliations

    Reviewer of Nature Communications


    Reviewer of Physical Review Letters


    Reviewer of Journal of Fluid Mechanics


    Reviewer of Physics of Fluids


    Reviewer of Physical Review Fluids


    Reviewer of Boundary-Layer Meteorology


    Reviewer of AIAA Journal


    Reviewer of Journal of Turbulence


    Reviewer of Acta Mechanica Sinica


    Reviewer of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters


    Reviewer of International Journal of Multiphase Flow


    Reviewer of Wind Energy Science

Other Contact Information:
  • [3] PostalAddress :
  • [6] Email :
Research Group
Name of Research Group:
Fluid Mechanics in Wind Energy

Description of Research Group:Facing the major scientific and technological needs of the national "dual carbon" goal, our team has been engaged in fundamental studies on theoretical and numerical investigation of wind-farm flows, aiming to realizing the accurate predictions of wind resources and optimal control of wind plants.

Name of Research Group:

Description of Research Group:This project is to study the physical diagnosis of aeroacoustic noise of complex flow via theoretical analysis and direct numerical simulations, aiming to provide some new concepts and technology supports to industrial relevants.

Copyright © 2013 University of Science and Technology of China.