Gang Guan, Liang Li, Hai-Ming Ji, Shuai Luo; PengFei Xu, Qian Gao, Hui Lv, Wen Liu*, Fabrication and Characterization of a High-Power Assembly With a 20-Junction Monolithically Stacked Laser Power Converter, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 8, 1355-1362, 2018.06;
DOI number:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2841195
Journal:IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
Abstract:An increasing number of applications require an electrical source with good insulation and high power. Power over fiber (POF) technology has excellent insulating characteristics and thus is attracting increasing attention. The high-voltage laser power converter (HVLPC) is the most important component in the entire POF system, and the monolithically stacked HVLPC, because of its excellent performance characteristics, is particularly suitable for the requirements of high power. In this paper, we designed and prepared a compact high-power assembly with a 20-junction monolithically stacked HVLPC, and the performance characteristics of the designed assembly were separately tested under laser powers from 2 to 43 W with an 808 nm wavelength. More than 20 W of electric power was extracted under 43 W of laser power, and a maximum photon-energy conversion efficiency of 50.4% was observed with an open-circuit voltage of 22.15 V. Additionally, the temperature characteristics of the designed assembly under different laser powers and different loads were separately discussed, and a three-dimensional thermal simulation model for the designed assembly was established to predict the optimized passive heat sink structure. According to the research conclusions in this paper, additional types of high-power assemblies can be similarly designed in the future.
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-06-18
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