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Yujie Xiong

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  


We cordially welcome studuents and postdoctoral fellows who are enthusiastic about our research to join our team!



Team Leader:

Prof. Yujie Xiong  



Faculty Members:

Prof. Ran Long (Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2014)
Professor, National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory



Prof. Chao Gao (Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2015)
Professor, School of Chemistry and Materials Science



Prof. Dong Liu (Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2017)

Professor, Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research

Liu Dong.jpg

Prof. Ning Zhang (Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2018)
Professor, Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research

Zhang Ning.jpg


Research Faculty Members:

Dr. Wanbing Gong (Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, 2018)
Research Associate Professor, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale


Dr. Canyu Hu (Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2019)
Research Associate Professor, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale

Dr. Feng Gao (Ph.D. in Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, 2021)
Research Associate Professor, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale

Dr. Jun Ma (Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2021)
Research Associate Professor, Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research

Dr. Chao Zhang (Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, 2020)
Research Associate Professor, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale

Dr. Hailong Xiong (Ph.D. in Chemistry, Jilin University, 2020)
Research Associate Professor, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale


Lab Manager:

Ms. Huailan Li
Tel: 0551-63607860


Postdoctoral Fellows:

Dr. Shaopeng Qi (Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry and Physics, Southeast University, 2022)

Dr. Junbo Zhang (Ph.D. in Chemistry, Fudan University, 2023)

Dr. Nana Wang (Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2024)


Ph.D. Students:

Delong Duan (B.S. in Materials Chemistry, Shandong University of Science and Technology, 2018), joint student with Prof. Min Zhou

Linlin Chen (B.S. in Chemistry, Shandong University, 2019)

Enquan Zhu (M.S. in Chemistry, Xinjiang Normal University, 2021)

Saira Khan (admitted in 2021)

Zakaria Ismail (admitted in 2021)

Yuan Zhong (B.S. in Chemistry, Hunan University, 2020)

Zheyue Li (B.S. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2020)

Guangyu Liu (B.S. in Biotechnology, Beijing Normal University, 2020)

Jiayi Li (B.S. in New Materials, Energy and Devices, Hefei University of Technology, 2020)

Shuaikang Sang (B.S. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2020)

Zehua Liu (B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, 2020), joint student with Prof. Dong Liu

Xuecheng Guo (M.E. in Environmental Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, 2022)

Hongwei Zhang (B.S. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2021)

Jiawei Li (B.S. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2021)

Aobo Chen (B.S. in Chemistry, Dalian University of Technology, 2021)

Yujie Wang (B.S. in Chemical Biology, Anhui University of Technology, 2021)

Qianqi Shi (B.S. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2022)

Jiangyuan Pan (B.S. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2022), joint student with Prof. Lihua Yang

You Li (B.S. in Chemistry, Jilin University, 2022)

Junchi Xu (B.S. in Chemistry, Anhui Normal University , 2022)

Xiaomin Ji (B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Xiamen University, 2022)

Guangyu Chen (B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, 2022)

Master Students:

Chang Liu (B.S. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2021)

Xia Gao (B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, Xiamen University, 2022)

Zehui Dai (B.S. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2023)

Yuhe Zhu (B.S. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2023)

Yiming Zhang (B.S. in Chemistry, Sun Yat-sen University2023)

Zilong Li (B.S. in Physics, Jinan University, 2023)

Xiaofeng Hu (B.S. in Chemistry, Hefei University of Technology, 2023)

Jieying Lin (B.S. in Polymer, Jiangnan University, 2023)

Tianxin Liu (B.S. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2024)

Junxi Yang (B.E. in Functional Materials, Tianjin University, 2024)

Yijun Liu (B.E. in Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, 2024), joint student with Prof. Ning Zhang

Jixin Wang (B.E. in Material Chemistry, Anhui Normal University, 2024)

Yaobin Zhang (B.E. in Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, 2024)

Qiangqiang Li (B.S. in Applied Chemistry, Chizhou University, 2024), joint student with Prof. Yuanzeng Min

Chuanjian Wang (B.E. in New Energy Materials and Devices, China University of Mining and Technology, 2024)



Ph.D. Students

Chengming Wang (Ph.D. in Nano Chemistry, obtained in 2013): Senior Engineer, Hefei National Lab for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China

Ran Long (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2014): Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

Song Bai (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2015): Associate Professor, Zhejiang Normal University

Liang Ma (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2015): Associate Professor, Guangdong University of Technology

Xueyu Zhao (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2015): Associate Professor, Guizhou Normal College

Rui Li (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2015): Associate Professor, Zhejiang University of Technology

Yu Bai (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2016): Engineer, School of Engineering Science, University of Science and Technology of China

Lili Wang (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2016): Associate Professor, Bozhou University

Nana Du (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2016): Associate Professor, Fuyang Normal University

Yanrui Li (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2017): Associate Professor, Xi'an University of Science and Technology

Dong Liu (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2017): Professor, Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research, University of Science and Technology of China

Ning Zhang (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2018): Postdoctoral Fellow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hao Huang (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2018): Postdoctoral Fellow, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Yu Li (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2018): Associate Professor, Tianjin University of Technology

Xiaonong Wang (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2018): Associate Professor, Electronic Engineering Institute

Dong Yang (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2019): Founder, Startup Company

Yang You (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2019): Industry

Yaping Li (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2019): Engineer, USTC Center for Micro- and Nanoscale Research and Fabrication, University of Science and Technology of China

Di Wu (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2019): Industry

Canyu Hu (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2019): Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Science and Technology of China

Yao Wang (Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry, obtained in 2021): Research institute

Yangguang Hu (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2021): Associate Professor, Hefei University of Technology

Wenbin Jiang (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2021): Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, A*STAR, Singapore

Chaohua He (Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry, obtained in 2021): Ministry of Ecology and Environment

Jun Ma (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2021): Research Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

Yanan Bo (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2021): Industry

Kun Chen (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2022): Industry

Meilin Duan (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2022): Industry

Tong Xia (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2022): Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Science and Technology of China

Xi Deng (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2022): Government

Tianyi Shao (Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, obtained in 2022): Industry

Yawen Jiang (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2023): Research institute

Wenqing Zhang (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2023): Lecturer, Anhui Normal University

Qiaoxi Liu (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2024): Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Science and Technology of China

Shengkun Liu (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2024): Industry

Xinyu Wang (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2024): Industry

Yihong Chen (Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2024): Industry

Master Students

Zhoulv Rao (Master in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2015): admitted to Huston University

Limin Wang (Master in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2015)

Renjie Tao (2015-2016): admitted to University of California, Berkeley

Sikai Wu (Master in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2017): admitted to Pennsylvania State University

Wenya Jiang (Master in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2017): Accounting firm

Mengqiao Li (Master in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2018): admitted to The George Washington University

Yunong Li (Master in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2019): Funds firm

Yu Guo (Master in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2019): admitted to University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Jie Jiang (Master in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2021): Government

Dawei Xi (Master in Inorganic Chemistry, obtained in 2021): admitted to Harvard University

Yafei Bi (Master in Materials Science and Engineering, obtained in 2022): Industry

Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr. Ran Long (2014-2016): Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

Dr. Chao Gao (2015-2017): Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

Dr. Jin Wang (2016-2017): Associate Professor, Zhejiang Normal University

Dr. Wei Ye (2015-2018): Associate Professor, Hangzhou Normal University

Dr. Jingxiang Low (2018-2020, CAS PIFI Fellow): Professor, Tiangong University

Dr. Xiaonong Wang (2018-2020): Associate Professor, Electronic Engineering Institute

Dr. Di Wu (2019-2021): Industry

Dr. Canyu Hu (2019-2021): Research Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

Dr. Huihui Wang (2020-2022): Researcher, Anhui Medical University

Dr. Yanduo Liu (2020-2023): Associate Professor, Harbin Normal University

Dr. Hailong Xiong (2020-2023): Research Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

Dr. Chao Zhang (2020-2023): Research Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

Dr. Zili Ma (2020-2023): Assistant Professor, Hefei University of Technology

Dr. Jun Wan (2021-2023): Associate Professor, Yanan University

Dr. Jun Ma (2021-2023): Research Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

Dr. Yangguang Hu (2021-2023): Associate Professor, Hefei University of Technology

Dr. Feng Gao (2021-2023): Research Associate Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

Dr. Yueyue Dong (2020-2024): Associate Professor, Ningxia University

Dr. Fu Zhang (2021-2025)

Visiting Scholars

Prof. Qitu Hu (2015-2016): Associate Professor, Linyi University

Prof. Xiaofeng Cui (2016-2017): Associate Professor, Anhui Normal University

Prof. Junyuan Duan (2016-2017): Associate Professor, Wuhan Institute of Technology

Prof. Songbai Qiu (2021-2022): Associate Professor, Guangdong University of Technology

Visiting Students:

Qi Liu (2020-2021): Graduate Student, Xi'an Shiyou University

Yaru Xu (2018-2019): Graduate Student, China University of Petroleum

Undergraduate Students

Panpan Zhou (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Physics, Class of 2008): admitted to Rice University

Bing Zhu (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Physics, Class of 2008): admitted to Chinese University of Hong Kong

Wu Ying (Chemistry, Class of 2008): admitted to University of California, Merced

Hui Xu (Anhui University, Chemistry, Class of 2008): industry

Zijie Zhu (Physics, Class of 2009): admitted to University of California, Davis

Min Zhi (Chemistry, Class of 2009): admitted to National University of Singapore

Wei Zhong (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2009): admitted to Ohio State University

Ran Li (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2010): admitted to Northwestern University

Jiawei He (Chemical Physics, Class of 2010): admitted to Brown University

Shan Zhou (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Materials Chemistry, Class of 2010): admitted to Georgia Institute of Technology

Lu Qiu (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Chemical Physics, Class of 2010): admitted to Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Qiao Kong (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Chemical Physics, Class of 2010): admitted to University of California, Berkeley

Helin Wang (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2010): admitted to University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Binbin Luo (Polymer Science and Engineering, Class of 2011): admitted to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ailun Wang (Polymer Science and Engineering, Class of 2011): admitted to Boston College

Jie Zhou (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2011): admitted to University of Florida

Wenhui Sun (Chemistry, Class of 2011)

Hui Cao (Polymer Science and Engineering, Class of 2011): industry

Zhizhong Chen (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Physics, Class of 2011): admitted to Brown University

Ce Xu (Chemistry, Class of 2011): admitted to Hokkaido University

Xingyi Zhou (Chemistry, Class of 2012): admitted to University of Texas at Austin

Huacheng Ye (Physics, Class of 2012): admitted to University of Pennsylvania

Zebao Li (Chemistry, Class of 2012): industry

Zhiheng Lv (Chemical Physics, Class of 2012): admitted to Georgia Institute of Technology

Junteng Du (Chemical Physics, Class of 2012): admitted to Rutgers University

Xiaoxi Yu (Chemical Physics, Class of 2012): admitted to Stony Brook University, New York

Qiliang Liu (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Chemistry, Class of 2012): admitted to Emory University

Xiaoyi Chen (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2012): admitted to Brandeis University

Yang Gao (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Chemistry, Class of 2012): admitted to California Institute of Technology

Xueying Wan (Chemistry, Class of 2012): admitted to Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

Yunqi Gong (Polymer Science and Engineering, Class of 2012): admitted to Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR), Shanghai

Jing Li (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Chemistry, Class of 2012): joint program with Universiteit Twente, Netherland

Kecheng Wei (Chemical Physics, Class of 2013): admitted to Brown University

Chenhao Ren (Chemistry, Class of 2013): admitted to Boston College

Chao Zhou (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Physics, Class of 2013): admitted to University of Pittsburgh

Jie Huang (Chemistry, Class of 2013): admitted to Ohio State University

Fengyi Gao (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2013): admitted to University of Michigan

Mengshan Ye (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2013): admitted to Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Qichen Yuan (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2013): admitted to Rice University

Nanshan Chen (Chemistry, Class of 2013): admitted to University of Washington, Seattle

Jianbo Jin (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Chemistry, Class of 2014): admitted to University of California, Berkeley

Zijian Cai (Chemistry, Class of 2014): admitted to University of California, Berkeley

Jiawen Wang (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2014): industry

Yifei Liu (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2014): admitted to University of Texas at Austin

Ying Wang (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2014): admitted to University of Southern California

Lingyu Ma (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Class of 2014)

Siyu Li (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2014)

Youyou Li (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Class of 2015)

Zhenya Luo (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Class of 2015)

Chang Shu (Chemistry, Class of 2015)

Xiaoqian Xia (Chemical Physics, Class of 2015)

Panyiming Liu (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Class of 2015)

Song Xia (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Class of 2015)

Guowenlie Gao (Chemical Physics, Class of 2016)

Chuntong Li (Chemical Physics, Class of 2016)

Sijia Chen (Special Class for the Gifted Young, Class of 2016)

Yunrui Qiu (Chemistry, Class of 2016)

Yujian Sun (Materials Science and Engineering, Class of 2016)

Xin Lian (Chemistry, Class of 2016)

Zheyue Li (Chemistry, Class of 2016)

Shuaikang Sang (Chemistry, Class of 2016)

Xiaofan Hu (Chemical Physics, Class of 2017)

Xianzheng Liu (Chemical Physics, Class of 2017)

Pengye Du (Chemical Physics, Class of 2017)

Chang Qiu (Chemistry, Class of 2017)

Chang Liu (Chemistry, Class of 2017)

Jiawei Li (Chemistry, Class of 2017)

Hongwei Zhang (Chemistry, Class of 2017)

Zihao Wang (Chemical Physics, Class of 2018)

Ruitian Chen (Chemistry, Class of 2018)

Haojie Zhu (Chemistry, Class of 2018)

Qianqi Shi (Chemistry, Class of 2018)

Jiangyuan Pan (Chemistry, Class of 2018)

Jinlei Feng (Chemistry, Class of 2019)