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    Our laboratory has facilities for synthesis, isolation and spectroscopic characterization of endohedral fullerenes, and conducting polymers. Facilities for fabrication and performance measurement of polymer solar cells are also available in our lab. Furthermore we have close collaboration with Profs. Shuhong Yu, Guanwu Wang, Qunxiang Li, Yalin Lu etc. in School of Chemistry and Materials ScienceUSTC and Prof. Lothar Dunsch of Leibniz-Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW-Dresden), Germany. Furthermore, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale at USTC and The Instrument Analytical Center of School of Chemistry and Materials Sciences, USTC also house various advanced facilities for physical and chemistry researches.


    Fullerene generator (Shenyang, CHINA)

    f2.png HPLC (JAI, Japan)
    f4.png UV-vis-NIR (Shimadzu, Japan)
    f5.png FT-IR (Bruker, Germany)


    Vacuum glove box (M.Braun, Germany) + High vacuum coating units (Shenyang, CHINA)
    IMG_053202.jpg Spin-coater(CHINA)
    Solar-cell-fab.jpg Electrochemical workstation (Shanghai, CHINA)
       SP_A0930.jpg    Solar cell fabrication and measurement system (CHINA)
    xuanzhuanranpandianji.jpg Solar Simulator (Newport, USA)
    Profiler.jpg Rotating Disk Eleetrode (Pine, USA)
    Profiler.jpg Profiler (KLA-Tencor, USA)
    IPCE.jpg Ion Etching (Beijing, China)
    IPCE.jpg IPCE (Newport, USA)
    EIS.jpg EIS (Zahner-Zennium, Germany)
    AFM.jpg AFM (Park, Korea)

  • Shangfeng Yang
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