Current position: Home >> Awards and Honours

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Special Researcher  
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Awards and Honours

1. Xiaoyuan Zhang: "Bernard Lewis" Award, the highest award for young scholars at the 38th International Symposium on Combustion (5-6 people are selected globally every two years)

2. Xiaoyuan Zhang: The Program of the Talent Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

3. Xiaoyuan Zhang: "Outstanding Paper Award" at the 2018 National Combustion Symposium on Combustion of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics (the award rate is about 1.5%)

4. Xiaoyuan Zhang: "Best Presentation" Award at the 11th Symposium on Combustion in Saudi Arabia (1 award for each sub-forum);

5. Xiaoyuan Zhang: Shanghai Jiao Tong University "Excellent Doctoral Dissertation" Award (about 1.1% award).