Daigao Chen, Xi Xiao, Lei Wang, Wen Liu*, Qi Yang, and Shaohua Yu, highly efficient silicon optical polarization rotators based on mode order conversions, 2016.05, Optics Letter, 41(5), 1070-1073;
Abstract:We design and demonstrate the novel silicon optical polarization rotators (PRs) based on the TM0-TE𝑛-TE0 mode conversions inside the waveguide. The TM0-TE𝑛 mode converters are realized by the mode hybridization of the tapered rib waveguides. The TE𝑛-TE0 mode converters based on the beam shaping method are followed to complete the PRs function. By using the TE1, TE2, and TE3 mode as the transitional mode, the fabricated PRs show the insert losses of less than 0.4, 0.5, and 1 dB, respectively. The corresponding polarization extinction ratios of larger than 21, 18, and 23 dB, over a wavelength range of 100 nm.
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2016-03-01
Links to published journals:https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.41.001070
Pre One:Wen Liu, Luqing Liu, Chenggang Guan, Fangxin Zhanga, Ming Li, Hui Lv, Peijun Yao, Jan Ingenhoff, A novel agricultural photovoltaic system based on solar spectrum separation, Solar Energy, 162, 84-94, 2018.01;
Next One:Zhihao Wang ,Tangyou Sun ,Lei Wang ,Qiang Zuo ,Yanli Zhao ,Zhimou Xu ,Wen Liu(刘文), Application of multi-mask layers for high aspect ratio soft mold imprint. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22(2012)125025)5pp