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    Shangting You

    • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
    • Name (English):Shangting You
    • Name (Pinyin):You Shang Ting
    • E-Mail:
    • Administrative Position:professor
    • Contact Information:youshangting@ustc.edu.cn
    • Discipline:Biomedical Engineering,
      Precision Instrument and Machinery,
      Other specialties in Optical Engineering


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    Recommended MA Supervisor

    Current position: Shangting You Home >> Enrollment Information >>Recommended MA Supervisor

    Biomedical Engineering

    • 吴乐
    • 邱本胜
    • 潘挺睿
    • 梁文轩
    • 刘爱萍

    Precision Instrument and Machinery

    • 潘挺睿
    • 金虎
    • 胡衍雷
    • 董二宝
    • 陈杨
    • 程存峰

    Other specialties in Optical Engineering

    • 周志远
    • 张斗国
    • 吴朝
    • 孙方稳
    • 任希锋
    • 刘颖
    • 李鹏
    • 龚雷
    • 杜学维