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Paper Publications
MORE+- [1]Yu Liu et al. Design and construction of Keda Space Plasma EXperiment (KSPEX) for the investigation of the boundary layer processes of ionospheric depletions. Review of Scientific Instruments 2016; 87(9)., DOI:10.1063/1.4962406.
- [2]Yu Liu et al. Laboratory generation of broadband ELF waves by inhomogeneous plasma flow. Geophysical Research Letters 2017;44(4).,DOI:10.1002/2016GL072232Yu Liu et al. Laboratory Excitation of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in an Ionospheric-Like Plasma. Geophysical Research Letters 2018; 45(5)., DOI:10.1029/2018GL077550.
- [3]Yu Liu et al. Spontaneous Emission of Alfvénic Branch Oscillations From a Strong Inhomogeneous Plasma Flow. Geophysical Research Letters 2018; 45(1)., DOI:10.1002/2017GL075611.
- [4]Yu Liu et al. Independent excitation of inhomogeneous energy density driven instability by electron density gradient. Physics of Plasmas 2018; 25(10)., DOI:10.1063/1.5051393.
- [5]Yu Liu* et al. Influence of the Probe Radius on the Double Flush-Mounted Probe Diagnostics. AIAA Journal 2019; 57(4):1-7., DOI:10.2514/1.J056968.
MORE+- [1]liuyu ,张仲恺,leijiuhou,caojinxiang,谐振腔式ECR等离子体源装置,201921134276.3,
- [2]余鹏程 ,liuyu,罗雨轩,张仲恺,caojinxiang,一种等离子体参数的探测装置及探测系统,201920745611.7,
- [3]liuyu ,张仲恺,leijiuhou,caojinxiang,谐振腔式ECR等离子体源装置以及方法,201910649890.1,2019-09-13,
- [4]liuyu ,leijiuhou,凌艺铭,李敏迟,袁靖程,一种等离子体生成设备,201821086204.1,2019-04-05,2019-04-05.
- [5]余鹏程 ,liuyu,caojinxiang,徐亮,张仲凯,张逍,一种用于等离子体参数诊断的探针装置,201820821638.5,2019-01-18,2019-01-18.
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