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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Main Positions:Professor


2025 Autumn "Planetary Geology": Prepared for undergraduate students majoring in planetary science at USTC (60 hrs), offered in the autumn semester of their third year.

2024 Autumn "Basics of Planetary Science": Co-taught with other professors in Chinese (8 hrs/40 hrs) for graduate students in Planetary Science.

2024 Autumn "Scientific Communication": Co-taught with Prof. Chao He in English (20 hrs/40 hrs) for graduate students in Geology.

2024 Autumn "Volcanology": Taught in English for graduate students in Geology (60 hrs).

2024 Summer "Field Comprehensive Practice in Earth System Science" and "Zhao Jiuzhang Talented Class Sino-French Alps International Field Practice": Co-taught with Prof. Wei Leng and Prof. Shaobing Zhang, conducted in both Chinese and English (22 hrs/40 hrs). The field expedition and international academic exchange took place from August 21 to September 1, 2024. For more details, please refer to the USTC News website.

2023 Autumn-2024 Spring Courses "Science and Society" at USTC, 20 hrs (Sep 2023-Jul 2024).

Invited lecturer for the 5th "Non-traditional Stable Isotope Geochemistry" summer school hosted by Chengdu University of Technology: "Applications of Non-traditional Stable Isotopes in Planetary Science" (2-8 August 2024).

Invited lecturer for course “Advances in Geoscience”, Nanjing University, in Chinese, 2.5 hours (May 2023).

Invited lecturer for the 3rd "Non-traditional Stable Isotope Geochemistry" summer school organized by Northwest University (China): in Chinese, 1.5 hours, 150-200 undergraduate/master students, 15 Aug 2020 (Virtual). Attending the 1st summer school held by University of Geosciences (Beijing) as a student in 2014 has inspired me to undertake metal stable isotope studies as a career path.

Teaching practical courses for Geochemistry L3 at ENS Paris, in English (6 courses, 6 hours in total, winter 2019).